SQL 中的 LISTAGG 正在返回具有空值的行

LISTAGG in SQL is returning a row with null values

我有 2 tables A 和 B,B 与 A 有外键关系,即 (b.detail_id = a.id) 我想对 B 中的其中一列应用 LISTAGG 查询。

SELECT LISTAGG(DISTINCT b.delivery_cadence, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY b.delivery_cadence) 
delivery_cadence, a.id FROM A a, B b WHERE b.detail_id = a.id AND a.id = 1236565;

上面的查询返回一行,所有值为空,但我不想要任何行。我怎样才能做到这一点? 如果不可能有任何替代解决方案。

a.id = 1236565 不存在于 A table.


create table a(id) as
    select 1 from dual union all
    select 2 from dual
create table b(detail_id, delivery_cadence) as
    select 1, 'x' from dual union all
    select 1, 'A' from dual union all
    select 2, 'y' from dual

如果我理解得很好,你需要(在 ANSI 连接语法中):

SQL> SELECT LISTAGG(DISTINCT b.delivery_cadence, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY b.delivery_cadence) delivery_cadence,
  2          a.id
  3  FROM A
  4      inner join B ON b.detail_id = a.id
  5  where a.id = 1236565
  6  group by a.id;

no rows selected

对于表中存在的 ID 值,您得到:

SQL> SELECT LISTAGG(DISTINCT b.delivery_cadence, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY b.delivery_cadence) delivery_cadence,
  2          a.id
  3  FROM A
  4      inner join B ON b.detail_id = a.id
  5  where a.id = 1
  6  group by a.id;

---------------- ----------
A,x                       1

1 row selected.

只需添加 having count(b.delivery_cadence) > 0 例如

SELECT LISTAGG(DISTINCT b.delivery_cadence, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY b.delivery_cadence) 
delivery_cadence, a.id FROM A a, B b WHERE b.detail_id = a.id AND a.id = 1236565
HAVING COUNT(b.delivery_cadence) > 0