如何使用 RxDataSource 制作动态部分?

How to make Dynamic sections with RxDataSource?

我正在尝试实现的目标的概述我正在尝试创建一个通知表视图,每个通知都按其创建日期分组,因此表视图部分将是创建日期的数量,每个部分都有创建的通知在该节标题中的这个日期。 我搜索了很多但没有得到如何使用 RxDataSource 制作的绝对答案 该数组是动态加载的,其中包含通过 API?

class T : UITableViewDataSource {
    func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return array.count


                .map({ [NotificationSectionViewModel(header: "Yet", items: [=11=].filter{[=11=].createAt.toDate()!.toString(format: "yyyy-MM-dd") == Date().toString(format: "yyyy-MM-dd") }),
                        NotificationSectionViewModel(header: "Yesterday", items: [=11=])
                .bind(to: NotificationTableView.rx.items(dataSource: ViewModel.dataSource))
                .disposed(by: notificationDisposeBag)


struct NotificationSectionViewModel {
    var header: String
    var items: [AllNotificationModel] 
extension NotificationSectionViewModel: SectionModelType {
    typealias NotificationItem = AllNotificationModel
    init(original: NotificationSectionViewModel, items: [AllNotificationModel]) {
        self = original
        self.items = items


class AllNotificationModel : Codable {
    let id, userID : Int
    let title, body, createAt: String
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id, title, body
        case userID = "user_id"
        case createAt = "create at"



“Today”: [
            "id": 2421,
            "user_id": 39,
            "title": "todayNotification",
            "body": "test",
            "create at": "2021-02-26 17:33:44"
            "id": 2349,
            "user_id": 39,
            "title": "check",
            "body": "test",
            "create at": "2021-02-26 09:36:05"
            "id": 2206,
            "user_id": 39,
            "title": "New Deal",
            "body": "new Deal 2",
            "create at": "2021-02-26 13:43:16"
        } ]
“Yesterday”: [
            "id": 2134,
            "user_id": 39,
            "title": "Closed Deal",
            "body": “deal deal”,
            "create at": "2021-02-25 13:21:30"
        } ]

“2021-02-24”: [
            "id": 2134,
            "user_id": 39,
            "title": "Closed Deal",
            "body": “deal”,
            "create at": "2021-02-24 13:21:30"
            "id": 2063,
            "user_id": 39,
            "title": "New Deal",
            "body": "new Deal",
            "create at": "2021-02-24 13:21:16"

在 RxDataSources 的 example 中,我们有:

  .bind(to: tableView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))
  .disposed(by: disposeBag)

您需要做的就是将 Observable.just(sections) 替换为绑定到您的数据的 Observable。假设 notifications 是一个 Observable<[Notifications]>。然后你做这样的事情:

notifications.map { sections(from: [=11=]) }
  .bind(to: tableView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))
  .disposed(by: disposeBag)

sections(from: [=17=])[Notification]数组到sections数组的转换,在某处定义。您的部分结构必须符合协议 SectionModelType.

struct SectionOfNotification {
  var header: String    
  var items: [Item]

extension SectionOfNotification : SectionModelType {
  typealias Item = Notification

   init(original: SectionOfNotification, items: [Item]) {
    self = original
    self.items = items


public lazy var appSections: Driver<[AppSection]> = {
    Driver.combineLatest(chatAppCollectionData, functionAppCollectionData) { ([=13=], ) }
        .map { (chatAppCollectionData, functionAppCollectionData) -> [AppSection] in
            let appSection1 = AppSection(header: NSLocalizedString("DASHBOARD_RECENT_CHATS", comment: ""),
                                         items: chatAppCollectionData)

            let appSection2 = AppSection(header: NSLocalizedString("DASHBOARD_OTHERS", comment: ""),
                                         items: functionAppCollectionData)

            return [


import RxDataSources

struct AppSection {
    var header: String
    var items: [Item]

extension AppSection: SectionModelType {
    typealias Item = EONApp

    init(original: AppSection, items: [Item]) {
        self = original
        self.items = items


override func bind(ViewModel: NotificationViewModel) {

        ViewModel.dataSource.configureCell = { [unowned self] (dataSource, tableview, indexPath, item)  in
            let cell = tableview.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: self.CellIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! NotificationTableViewCell
            cell.setDataToUI(notificationData: item)
            return cell

        ViewModel.dataSource.titleForHeaderInSection = { (dataSource, index) in
            let section = dataSource[index]
            return section.header
        var finalSections = [NotificationSectionViewModel]()
        var sortedFinal = [NotificationSectionViewModel]()
        var result = [String : [AllNotificationModel]]()
                .map({ section in
      for (i, dict) in section.enumerated() {
                        result[(section[i].createAt.toDate()?.toString(format: "yyyy-MM-dd"))!, default: []].append(dict)
                    for (key, value) in result {
                        finalSections.append(NotificationSectionViewModel(header: key, items: value))
                    sortedFinal = finalSections.sorted(by: >)
                    for final in 0...sortedFinal.count - 1 {
                        if self.getTodayDate() == sortedFinal[final].header {
                            sortedFinal[final].header = "Today"
                        else if self.getYesterDay() == sortedFinal[final].header {
                            sortedFinal[final].header = "Yesterday"
                        else {
                                sortedFinal[final].header = convertDateFormater(sortedFinal[final].header)
                    return sortedFinal
                .bind(to: NotificationTableView.rx.items(dataSource: ViewModel.dataSource))
                .disposed(by: notificationDisposeBag)


class NotificationTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {

    @IBOutlet weak var notificationImageIcon: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var notificationBodyMessage: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var notificationTime: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var seenNotificationView: UIView!

    override func awakeFromNib() {
          // Initialization code
          selectionStyle = .none

    func setDataToUI(notificationData: AllNotificationModel) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.seenNotificationView.isHidden = true
            self.notificationBodyMessage.text = notificationData.body
            self.notificationTime.text = self.convertDateFormater(notificationData.createAt)
    func convertDateFormater(_ date: String) -> String
            let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
            dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
            let date = dateFormatter.date(from: date)
            dateFormatter.dateFormat = "h:mm a"
            return  dateFormatter.string(from: date!)




extension UIViewController {
    func getTodayDate() -> String {
        let currentDate = Date()
        let df = DateFormatter()
        df.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
        let dateString = df.string(from: currentDate)
        return dateString

    func getYesterDay() -> String {
        let currentDate = Date.yesterday
        let df = DateFormatter()
        df.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
        let dateString = df.string(from: currentDate)
        return dateString