metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity w/ GFS data : ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (31,) (34,)
metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity w/ GFS data : ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (31,) (34,)
我正在尝试根据 GFS 数据执行 metpy.plots.SkewT()。
当我尝试计算 Td(从 T、rh)时,压力水平不匹配。
是否有一些聪明的方法(w/ xarray?)来切片和切块以便它们排成一行?
以下代码绘制了倾斜 t 上的温度,但是当 metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity 未注释时,它会抱怨:ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (31,) (34,)
import xarray
xds0 = xarray.open_dataset(f''
subset0 = {'method' : 'nearest'}
subset0['lon'] = 238. ; subset0['lat'] = 38.
import metpy.plots
xda1 = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Temperature_isobaric')
import datetime
vtname0 = # eg : time1
subset0[vtname0] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
T = xda1.metpy.sel(**subset0).values * metpy.units.units(xda1.units) #.squeeze()
vname0 = # isobaric6 = 0..33
p = xda1[vname0].values * metpy.units.units(xda1[vname0].units)
skewt1 = metpy.plots.SkewT()
skewt1.plot(p, T, 'r')
xda1 = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Relative_humidity_isobaric') # isobaric = 0..30
rh = xda1.metpy.sel(**subset0).values #* metpy.units.units(xda1.units) #.squeeze()
#Td = metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(T, rh) # ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (31,) (34,)
#skewt1.plot(p, Td, 'g')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
这个过程可以通过使用 MetPy 的 XArray accessor to simplify selection based on generic dimensions like 'time' and 'vertical'. We can also get the values on common levels formed using np.intersect1d
import datetime
import metpy
import numpy as np
import xarray
xds0 = xarray.open_dataset('')
temp_da = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Temperature_isobaric')
rh_da = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Relative_humidity_isobaric')
# Formulate subset
subset0 = {'method' : 'nearest',
'lon': 238.,
'lat': 38.,
# Can use 'vertical' here if we pass to metpy's version of sel
# Use the array of values for pressure that are present in both
'vertical': np.intersect1d(temp_da.metpy.vertical, rh_da.metpy.vertical),
'time': datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
temp = temp_da.metpy.sel(**subset0)
rh = rh_da.metpy.sel(**subset0)
# Need to rename the coordinate on RH to match that of temperature
rh = rh.rename({})
# Get vertical coordinate (pressure) as a unitted array
p = temp.metpy.vertical.metpy.unit_array
# Calculate dewpoint
td = metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(temp, rh)
# Plot on SkewT
skewt1 = metpy.plots.SkewT()
# For some reason matplotlib doesn't like the temp array with units inside
# a DataArray
skewt1.plot(p, temp.metpy.unit_array, 'r')
skewt1.plot(p, td, 'g')
上面的代码需要 MetPy 1.0 才能原生支持 XArray DataArray
s。对于早期版本,对 dewpoint_from_relative_humidity
td = metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(temp.metpy.unit_array,
我正在尝试根据 GFS 数据执行 metpy.plots.SkewT()。
当我尝试计算 Td(从 T、rh)时,压力水平不匹配。
是否有一些聪明的方法(w/ xarray?)来切片和切块以便它们排成一行?
以下代码绘制了倾斜 t 上的温度,但是当 metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity 未注释时,它会抱怨:ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (31,) (34,)
import xarray
xds0 = xarray.open_dataset(f''
subset0 = {'method' : 'nearest'}
subset0['lon'] = 238. ; subset0['lat'] = 38.
import metpy.plots
xda1 = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Temperature_isobaric')
import datetime
vtname0 = # eg : time1
subset0[vtname0] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
T = xda1.metpy.sel(**subset0).values * metpy.units.units(xda1.units) #.squeeze()
vname0 = # isobaric6 = 0..33
p = xda1[vname0].values * metpy.units.units(xda1[vname0].units)
skewt1 = metpy.plots.SkewT()
skewt1.plot(p, T, 'r')
xda1 = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Relative_humidity_isobaric') # isobaric = 0..30
rh = xda1.metpy.sel(**subset0).values #* metpy.units.units(xda1.units) #.squeeze()
#Td = metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(T, rh) # ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (31,) (34,)
#skewt1.plot(p, Td, 'g')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
这个过程可以通过使用 MetPy 的 XArray accessor to simplify selection based on generic dimensions like 'time' and 'vertical'. We can also get the values on common levels formed using np.intersect1d
import datetime
import metpy
import numpy as np
import xarray
xds0 = xarray.open_dataset('')
temp_da = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Temperature_isobaric')
rh_da = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Relative_humidity_isobaric')
# Formulate subset
subset0 = {'method' : 'nearest',
'lon': 238.,
'lat': 38.,
# Can use 'vertical' here if we pass to metpy's version of sel
# Use the array of values for pressure that are present in both
'vertical': np.intersect1d(temp_da.metpy.vertical, rh_da.metpy.vertical),
'time': datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
temp = temp_da.metpy.sel(**subset0)
rh = rh_da.metpy.sel(**subset0)
# Need to rename the coordinate on RH to match that of temperature
rh = rh.rename({})
# Get vertical coordinate (pressure) as a unitted array
p = temp.metpy.vertical.metpy.unit_array
# Calculate dewpoint
td = metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(temp, rh)
# Plot on SkewT
skewt1 = metpy.plots.SkewT()
# For some reason matplotlib doesn't like the temp array with units inside
# a DataArray
skewt1.plot(p, temp.metpy.unit_array, 'r')
skewt1.plot(p, td, 'g')
上面的代码需要 MetPy 1.0 才能原生支持 XArray DataArray
s。对于早期版本,对 dewpoint_from_relative_humidity
td = metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(temp.metpy.unit_array,