NelmioApiDocBundle 否定 path_patterns

NelmioApiDocBundle negative path_patterns

现在我尝试使用 NelmioApiDocBundle 在 Symfony 3 中创建一个 API 文档。到目前为止,一切都按照给定的 symfony 文档中的描述工作。

现在我想从 swagger 文档中删除 _error 和 _profiler 路由。它说你可以只使用 path_patterns。所以我需要在文档中写下我需要的所有路线。但是我有一些不同的路径。


        - !^/_error
        - !^/fubar


查看 "lookaround" zero-length assertions,特别是 Negative lookahead,然后尝试如下操作:

    - ^\/((?!_error)(?!fubar).)*$

Regex101 是测试和理解正则表达式的绝佳工具。它将像这样解释正则表达式每个部分的影响:

^ asserts position at start of a line
\/ matches the character / literally (case sensitive)
1st Capturing Group ((?!_error)(?!fubar).)*
* Quantifier — Matches between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
A repeated capturing group will only capture the last iteration. Put a capturing group around the repeated group to capture all iterations or use a non-capturing group instead if you're not interested in the data
Negative Lookahead (?!_error)
Assert that the Regex below does not match
_error matches the characters _error literally (case sensitive)
Negative Lookahead (?!fubar)
Assert that the Regex below does not match
fubar matches the characters fubar literally (case sensitive)
. matches any character (except for line terminators)
$ asserts position at the end of a line