HAML Bootstrap 4 and rails - 根据局部变量展开手风琴

HAML Bootstrap 4 and rails - Expand accordion based on local variable

我有一个包含课程的 rails 应用程序。每门课程都有章节,每一章都有课程。我正在使用 bootstrap 手风琴来显示当前课程的章节和课程列表,但无法弄清楚如何让用户展开当前章节,但将其余章节折叠起来。我试过在底线下添加渲染课程,尝试了一些javascript,不同级别的缩进。手风琴奏效了,但一切都开始展开了。

    - @chapters.each do |chapter|
          %a{"data-parent" => "#accordion", "data-toggle" => "collapse", :href => "#collapse#{chapter.id}"}
            = render 'chapters/chapter_preview', chapter: chapter
      -if @lesson.chapter_id = chapter.id
        .panel-collapse.collapse.show{:id => "collapse#{chapter.id}"}
          - chapter.lessons.rank(:row_order).each do |lesson|
              - if lesson.eql?(@lesson)
                  = render 'lessons/lesson_student', lesson: lesson
              - else
                  = render 'lessons/lesson_student', lesson: lesson
        .panel-collapse.collapse.in{:id => "collapse#{chapter.id}"}


- if @lesson.chapter_id = chapter.id
# should be
- if @lesson.chapter_id == chapter.id
# if lesson belongs_to chapter and chapter has_many lessons you could even get rid of the id:
- if @lesson.chapter == chapter