Traefik Ingress:是否可以列入黑名单?

Traefik Ingress: Is blacklisting possible?

使用此注释可以将 ip 列入白名单 ""

是否可以对黑名单做同样的事情? 阻止一些可疑的请求会很好。

不幸的是,traefik 本身不支持阻止 ip 地址的支持,任何请求都 declined 带有评论:

We want to keep the IP filtering section as simple as possible and we think that your use case could be addressed differently.

We think that a blacklisting task can be better achieved using a firewall.

So, for now, and I insist on the "for now", we will decline your pull request.

出于同样的原因 #7926 被拒绝了。
