如何将弹出式帮助文本添加到 RStudio 中用户创建的包中的函数?

How to add popup help text to functions in a user-created package in RStudio?

所以我目前正在创建一个包,它根据活动的 R 脚本生成 HTML 报告。此报告可以通过 运行 控制台中的功能创建。看起来像这样 mypackage::myfunction()

tidyverse为例,当你输入tidyverse::时,这个包中的一些函数会出现在弹出的下拉列表中(如果没有,你可能需要按键盘上的Tab键' t立即显示)。当您将鼠标悬停在其中一个功能上时,会出现一个简短的 summary/help 文本来描述它的作用。如何将其添加到我的包功能中?

此外,我注意到 mypackage:: 出现了一些我不希望向最终用户显示的功能。有什么办法可以从这个列表中删除一些函数吗?



看起来像这样(参见 source):


mypaste <- function(x, y = "!"){
  #' Paste two items
  #' @description This function pastes two items
  #' together.  
  #' By using the description tag you'll notice that I
  #' can have multiple paragraphs in the description section
  #' @param x character. The first item to paste
  #' @param y character. The second item to paste Defaults to "!" but
  #' "?" would be pretty great too
  #' @usage mypaste(x, y)
  #' @return The inputs pasted together as a character string.
  #' @details The inputs can be anything that can be input into
  #' the paste function.
  #' @note And here is a note. Isn't it nice?
  #' @section I Must Warn You:
  #' The reference provided is a good read.
  #' \subsection{Other warning}{
  #'   It is completely irrelevant to this function though.
  #' }
  #' @references Tufte, E. R. (2001). The visual display of 
  #' quantitative information. Cheshire, Conn: Graphics Press.
  #' @examples
  #' mypaste(1, 3)
  #' mypaste("hey", "you")
  #' mypaste("single param")
  #' @export
  #' @importFrom base paste

  return(paste(x, y))


Paste two items

     This function pastes two items together.
     By using the description tag you'll notice that I can have
     multiple paragraphs in the description section

     mypaste(x, y)
       x: character. The first item to paste
       y: character. The second item to paste Defaults to "!" but "?" would be pretty great too

     The inputs can be anything that can be input into the paste

     The inputs pasted together as a character string.

I Must Warn You:
     The reference provided is a good read.

Other warning:
       It is completely irrelevant to this function though.

     And here is a note. Isn't it nice?

     Tufte, E. R. (2001). The visual display of quantitative
     information. Cheshire, Conn: Graphics Press.

     mypaste(1, 3)
     mypaste("hey", "you")
     mypaste("single param")

R 中有关文档字符串的更多详细信息:
