积极的前瞻捕获了太多的 JS

Positive lookahead capturing too much JS

之后捕获第一个日期之前的所有文本 非常感谢 JavaScript 的任何帮助。

const mystring = 'wed and thurs and notes: are just so interesting 02-03-2019 on a new line please 04-05-2020 on another line please'

mystring.replaceAll(/(?<=notes:).*?(\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}-\d{4})/g, function(capture){

return '<br>' + capture; 



wed and thrus and notes: are just so interesting <br> 02-03-2019 on a new line please <br> 04-05-2020 on another line please


const mystring = 'wed and thurs and notes: are just so interesting 02-03-2019 on a new line please 04-05-2020 on another line please wed and thurs and notes: are just so interesting 02/03/2019 on a new line please 04/05/2020 on another line please';
console.log(mystring.replace(/(?<=notes:.*?)\b\d{1,2}([-\/])\d{1,2}\d{4}\b/g, '<br> $&'));

参见regex demo


  • (?<=notes:.*?) - 字符串中紧接 notes: 和除换行符以外的零个或多个字符尽可能少的位置
  • \b - 单词边界(如果要匹配粘贴到字母、数字或下划线的日期,请省略)
  • \d{1,2} - 一位或两位数
  • ([-\/]) - 第 1 组:-/
  • \d{1,2} - 一位或两位数
  • </code> - 与组 1 中的值相同,<code>-/
  • \d{4} - 四位数
  • \b - 单词边界(如果要匹配粘贴到字母、数字或下划线的日期,请省略)

替换模式中的 $& 构造是对整个匹配的反向引用。