在 table 列中查找值并返回 table 行号 - VBA

Finding value in table column and returning table row number - VBA


我试图在 Table 列中找到一个值,并将其设为 return table 的行号。

table 名称是“Type_K”并且在“DATA”sheet 上,它看起来像这样:

根据用户输入,我想在第二列中找到相同的值,然后在 return table 行中找到相同的值。这将用于“管道成本计算”sheet。 这是用户填写的 table: Material 列有一个包含 4 个选项的下拉列表,根据该输入,Type 列更改其下拉列表,Wall 和 Size 列也是如此。


Material = 铜

类型 = K 型


尺寸 = 1/4

Size 列中的值是我想在 DATA Table(第一个图像的第二列)中找到的值


If Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("D" & ThisRow).Value = "Type K" Then
    Copper_Type_ref = "Type_K"
ElseIf Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("D" & ThisRow).Value = "Type L" Then
        Copper_Type_ref = "Type_L"
ElseIf Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("D" & ThisRow).Value = "Type M" Then
        Copper_Type_ref = "Type_M"
ElseIf Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("D" & ThisRow).Value = "Type DWV" Then
        Copper_Type_ref = "Type_DWV"
End If

“ThisRow”只是用户输入的行号(即他们正在更改第 4 行的内容,因此 ThisRow=4)。


Private Sub Copper_Data_Fill(ThisRow)
Dim Copper_Type_ref As String
Dim RowNum As Long

If Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("D" & ThisRow).Value = "Type K" Then
        Copper_Type_ref = "Type_K"
ElseIf Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("D" & ThisRow).Value = "Type L" Then
        Copper_Type_ref = "Type_L"
ElseIf Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("D" & ThisRow).Value = "Type M" Then
        Copper_Type_ref = "Type_M"
ElseIf Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("D" & ThisRow).Value = "Type DWV" Then
        Copper_Type_ref = "Type_DWV"
End If

    'RowNum = Application.Match("F" & ThisRow, Worksheets("DATA").ListObjects(Copper_Type_ref).ListColumns(2).DataBodyRange, False).Row
    'RowNum = Worksheets("DATA").ListObjects(Copper_Type_ref).ListColumns(2).DataBodyRange.Find("F" & ThisRow, xlValues).Row
    RowNum = Worksheets("DATA").ListObjects(Copper_Type_ref).ListColumn(2).DataBodyRange.Find("F" & ThisRow, xlValues).Index
    Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("H" & ThisRow).Value = Worksheets("DATA").ListObjects(Copper_Type_ref).DataBodyRange(RowNum, 4).Value
End Sub

我希望 RowNum 成为 table 行号,然后用它来填充

Worksheets("Pipe Costing").Range("H" & ThisRow).Value = Worksheets("DATA").ListObjects(Copper_Type_ref).DataBodyRange(RowNum, 4).Value


将输入 sheet 中的当前行作为 Range 参数传递给您的子程序会更容易:

Private Sub Copper_Data_Fill(ThisRow As Range)
    Dim dVal, f As Range, tbl as range
    dVal = ThisRow.Columns("D").Value
    Select Case dVal
        Case "Type K", "Type L", "Type M", "Type DWV"
            'get the corresponding listobject data range
            Set tbl = Worksheets("DATA").ListObjects(Replace(dVal, " ", "_")).DataBodyRange
        Case Else
            Exit Sub 'nothing to do (clear H?)
    End Select
    Set f = tbl.Columns(2).Find(ThisRow.Columns("F").Value, _
                                lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)
    If Not f Is Nothing Then
        ThisRow.Columns("H").Value = f.Offset(0, 2).Value 'col4
        ThisRow.Columns("H").Value = "not found"
    End If
End Sub