挂在 Rust 中的通道接收器迭代器中?

Hanging in channel receiver iterator in Rust?


fn main() {
    use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
    use std::thread;
    let (send, recv) = channel();
    let num_threads = 3;
    for i in 0..num_threads {
        let thread_send = send.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            loop { // exit condition does not matter, breaking right after the 1st iteration
                &thread_send.send(i).unwrap(); // have to borrow in the loop
            println!("thread {:?} finished", i);

    // drop `send` needed here (as it's cloned by all producers)?
    for x in recv { // hanging
        println!("Got: {}", x);
    println!("finished iterating");


thread 0 finished
Got: 0
Got: 1
Got: 2
thread 1 finished
thread 2 finished

finished iterating 永远不会打印出来,并且进程在 playground 中中断(在本地永远挂起)。



您需要将 send 放在您的评论指示的位置,因为只有在最后一个发件人被放下时频道才会关闭。主线程的发送只有在超出函数末尾的范围时才会被丢弃。

您可以显式调用 drop(send) 或重构您的代码,以便主线程的发送在您开始我们的接收循环之前超出范围,正如 Stargateur 在评论中指出的那样 (playground)。这是可取的,因为 reader 可以立即清楚地看到 send 被删除,而 drop(send) 语句很容易被忽略。