
Issue while developing a planning algorithm

我正在尝试使用 PDDL 开发算法。下面我试图定义域和问题文件

Domain File:
(define (domain sp)
 (:requirements :typing)

 (:types    location agent item - object 
            robot human - agent 
            room - location
            fruit cup table - item)

        (at ?o - object ?l - location)
        (detected ?p - human  ?l - room)
        (greeted ?r - robot ?p - human)

    (:action detect
        :parameters (?p - human ?i - item ?r - robot ?l - location)
        :precondition (at ?r ?l)
        :effect (and (at ?p ?l) (at ?r ?l))

    (:action greet
        :parameters (?r - robot ?p - human ?l - location)
        :precondition (and (at ?r ?l) (detected ?p ?l)) 
        :effect (greeted ?r ?p)

Problem File:

(define (problem test12)
(:domain sp)

(:objects person0 - Human 
          pepper0 - Robot 
          apple - Fruit
          cup0 - Cup
          table0 - Table
          room0 - Room)

(at pepper0 room0)

(:goal (and 
        (detected person0 room0)
        (greeted pepper0 person0)


  1. 机器人在房间里
  2. 当人进入房间时,机器人需要检测人
  3. 问候人类
  4. 它必须检测房间中的其他物体(如杯子、水果等)



ff: parsing domain file
domain 'SP' defined
 ... done.
ff: parsing problem file
problem 'TEST12' defined
 ... done.

ff: goal can be simplified to FALSE. No plan will solve it

我正确地遵循了语法,但它抛出了这个错误。我不知道该怎么做。谁能告诉我一个方向,如果可能的话,还有一些 PDDL 的调试资源?

输出本身不是错误。它只是表明您的问题没有计划。问题是 (detected ?p ?l) 永远不会被任何操作添加并且不处于您的初始状态,因此您永远无法实现它。您可能希望将其添加为 detect 操作的效果(而不是 (at ?r ?l)?)。