如何让 Stata 在每次循环迭代中等待用户输入?

How to make Stata wait for user input in each loop iteration?

我遇到用户需要手动 review/edit 数据的情况。我想一次向他们展示大块数据。我正在使用循环执行此操作。我的问题是让循环等待用户说她已经完成了一个块,然后再移动到下一个块。

我尝试了 set more onpause on_request,但没有成功。这是我使用一些假数据设置的示例:


set obs 100
gen id   = int( 5*uniform() )
gen var1 = uniform()

levelsof id, local(ids)
foreach id of local ids {

    edit if id == `id'
       wait for user to hit any key in 
       the Command Window before moving
       to the next iteration


根据 Nick Cox 的评论,这是我的解决方案。


set obs 100
gen id   = int( 5*uniform() )
gen var1 = uniform()

levelsof id, local(ids)
foreach id of local ids {

    edit if id == `id'
    * user must type _next_ in Command Window for next iteration
    local cmd 0
    while ("`cmd'" != "next") {
        display _request(cmd)
        local cmd "$cmd"
        /* here's the trick: the edits (replace var1 = bla in bla)
           are captured by _request(). I need to send the replace
           command back to stata */
        if ("`cmd'" != "next") {