如果我使用的是 Firebase 云消息传递,是否必须更改我的 Apple 推送通知设置?

Do I have to change my Apple Push Notification settings if I'm using Firebase Cloud Messaging?

我收到了来自 Apple 的这封电子邮件:

The HTTP/2‑based Apple Push Notification service (APNs) provider API lets you take advantage of great features, such as authentication with a JSON Web Token, improved error messaging, and per‑notification feedback. If you still send push notifications with the legacy binary protocol, make sure to upgrade to the APNs provider API as soon as possible. APNs will no longer support the legacy binary protocol after March 31, 2021.

为了向我的应用程序发送推送通知,我使用了 Firebase 云消息传递。我必须更改推送通知设置吗?

根据Firebase FAQs,您不需要采取任何行动。

Cloud Messaging: Apple announced they're deprecating the legacy binary protocol for APNs. Do I need to do anything? No. Firebase Cloud Messaging switched to the HTTP/2-based APNs protocol in 2017. If you are using FCM to send notifications to iOS devices, there should be no action required on your part.