Java 深度比较 Returns 比较深度副本时为假

Java Deep Comparison Returns False when Comparing a Deep Copy

我创建了一个抽象的 class Fruit,它覆盖了 equals() 方法。然后我创建了一个subclass,Orange,它覆盖了copy()和equals()方法。在我的测试文件 中,我正在创建一个橙子数组并测试它们的方法。我正在尝试创建橙色的深度副本,并在父橙色和副本之间进行深度比较。但是,在我的输出中,比较总是 returns false。我检查了父项和副本的属性,它们似乎是一样的。任何指针将不胜感激。我对 Java 和复制还很陌生。我在下面附上了我的代码。

package juicer;

import copy.Copyable;

public abstract class Fruit implements Copyable, Cloneable
    private double mass;
    private boolean isJuicedRemoved;

    protected Fruit(double theMass)
            throws IllegalMassException
            if (theMass <= 0)
                throw new IllegalMassException(theMass);
                this.mass = theMass;
                this.isJuicedRemoved = false;

    protected Fruit(Fruit fruit)
        this.mass = fruit.mass;
        this.isJuicedRemoved = fruit.isJuicedRemoved;

    public double getMass()
        return mass;

    public boolean getIsJuicedExtracted()
        return isJuicedRemoved;

    protected void setMass(double value)
        this.mass = value;

    protected abstract double juiceRatio();

    public double extractJuice()
        double liquidMass = amountJuice();

        if (!isJuicedRemoved)
            isJuicedRemoved = true;
            mass -= liquidMass;

        return liquidMass;

    public double amountJuice()
        if (isJuicedRemoved) return 0.0;

        return mass * juiceRatio();

    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        // Steps to override the equals() method():

        // Step 1: Test if obj is an instance of Fruit.
        //         If it is not, then return false.
        if (!(obj instanceof Fruit)) return false;

        // Step 2: Cast obj to an Fruit.
        Fruit rhs = (Fruit)obj;

        // Step 3: Test if the data fields of the invoking object are
        //         equal to the ones in rhs using a deep comparison
        //         and return this result.
        return super.equals(obj) && // test for equality in the super class
                mass == rhs.mass &&
                isJuicedRemoved == rhs.isJuicedRemoved;

    public int hashCode()
        int result = super.hashCode();
        result = 31*result + Double.hashCode(mass);
        result = 31*result + Boolean.hashCode(isJuicedRemoved);
        return result;

    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
        Fruit objectClone = (Fruit)super.clone();

        objectClone.mass = mass;
        objectClone.isJuicedRemoved = isJuicedRemoved;

        return objectClone;

    public String toString()
        return "\tmass = " + mass +
                "\n\tisJuiceExtracted = " + isJuicedRemoved + "\n";

package juicer;

public class Orange extends Fruit
    public Orange(double mass)

    // copy constructor
    public Orange(Orange other)

    protected double juiceRatio()
        return 0.87;

    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        // Steps to override the equals() method():

        // Step 1: Test if obj is an instance of Orange.
        //         If it is not, then return false.
        if (!(obj instanceof Orange)) return false;

        // Step 2: Cast obj to an Orange.
        // This step is not needed since the only data fields this
        // class has are the ones it inherits.

        // Step 3: Test if the data fields of the invoking object are
        //         equal to the ones in rhs using a deep comparison
        //         and return this result.
        return super.equals(obj);

    public Object copy()
        return new Orange(this);

    public String toString()
        return "Orange:\n" + super.toString();

package test;

import juicer.*;
import java.util.Random;

public class TestFruit
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Orange[] oranges = new Orange[1];

        //Random double generator for mass
        Random rd = new Random();

        //create oranges
        for (int i = 0; i <= oranges.length - 1; i++ )
            oranges[i] = new Orange(rd.nextDouble());

        for (Orange orange : oranges)
            Orange orangeCopy = new Orange(orange);

            if (orange == orangeCopy)
                System.out.print("The comparison is true!");
                System.out.print("Does not match.");


Java 中的一个常见误解是 ==.equals() 的使用。当您使用 == 比较 Java 中的两个对象时,它在内部比较其内存地址。 == 不是 实际上调用 .equals().

在这种情况下,您有两个不同的橙色对象,因此比较总是 return false。

如果您使用 a.equals(b),那么它实际上会调用您实现的 equals 方法。

正如@Andreas 在评论中指出的那样,还有另一个问题。在Fruit中调用super.equals(obj)会调用equals的超类实现,而Fruit的超类是ObjectObject.equals() 的行为与 == 相同(即也检查引用相等性)。覆盖 .equals() 的是 not trivial,因此让 IDE 为您生成它通常会很好。

与 C++ 等语言相比,Java 没有运算符重载。这意味着您不能为 == 定义不同的实现。这就是为什么在比较任何非原始类型时最好总是调用 .equals() 的原因(除非您显式检查引用相等性,这种情况很少见)。