如何根据 odoo 11 中的月份进行分组?
How to group by based on month in odoo 11?
如何在 odoo 11 中按月份分组?
<filter string="PO Date" icon="terp-gtk-select-all" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'order_date'}"/>
<filter string="PO Date" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'order_date'}"/>
<group expand="0" string="Group By">
<filter string="Order Date" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date_order'}"/>
您可以在 month
上专门制作 groupby
<filter string="Expected Closing" context="{'group_by':'date_deadline:month'}" name="date_deadline" help="Expiration Closing Month"/>
是否也可以实现值 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter' or 'year'
def read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, orderby=False, lazy=True):
Get the list of records in list view grouped by the given ``groupby`` fields
:param domain: list specifying search criteria [['field_name', 'operator', 'value'], ...]
:param list fields: list of fields present in the list view specified on the object
:param list groupby: list of groupby descriptions by which the records will be grouped.
A groupby description is either a field (then it will be grouped by that field)
or a string 'field:groupby_function'. Right now, the only functions supported
are 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter' or 'year', and they only make sense for
date/datetime fields.
:param int offset: optional number of records to skip
:param int limit: optional max number of records to return
:param list orderby: optional ``order by`` specification, for
overriding the natural sort ordering of the
groups, see also :py:meth:`~osv.osv.osv.search`
(supported only for many2one fields currently)
:param bool lazy: if true, the results are only grouped by the first groupby and the
remaining groupbys are put in the __context key. If false, all the groupbys are
done in one call.
:return: list of dictionaries(one dictionary for each record) containing:
* the values of fields grouped by the fields in ``groupby`` argument
* __domain: list of tuples specifying the search criteria
* __context: dictionary with argument like ``groupby``
:rtype: [{'field_name_1': value, ...]
:raise AccessError: * if user has no read rights on the requested object
* if user tries to bypass access rules for read on the requested object
如何在 odoo 11 中按月份分组?
<filter string="PO Date" icon="terp-gtk-select-all" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'order_date'}"/>
<filter string="PO Date" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'order_date'}"/>
<group expand="0" string="Group By">
<filter string="Order Date" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date_order'}"/>
您可以在 month
上专门制作 groupby
<filter string="Expected Closing" context="{'group_by':'date_deadline:month'}" name="date_deadline" help="Expiration Closing Month"/>
是否也可以实现值 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter' or 'year'
def read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, orderby=False, lazy=True):
Get the list of records in list view grouped by the given ``groupby`` fields
:param domain: list specifying search criteria [['field_name', 'operator', 'value'], ...]
:param list fields: list of fields present in the list view specified on the object
:param list groupby: list of groupby descriptions by which the records will be grouped.
A groupby description is either a field (then it will be grouped by that field)
or a string 'field:groupby_function'. Right now, the only functions supported
are 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter' or 'year', and they only make sense for
date/datetime fields.
:param int offset: optional number of records to skip
:param int limit: optional max number of records to return
:param list orderby: optional ``order by`` specification, for
overriding the natural sort ordering of the
groups, see also :py:meth:`~osv.osv.osv.search`
(supported only for many2one fields currently)
:param bool lazy: if true, the results are only grouped by the first groupby and the
remaining groupbys are put in the __context key. If false, all the groupbys are
done in one call.
:return: list of dictionaries(one dictionary for each record) containing:
* the values of fields grouped by the fields in ``groupby`` argument
* __domain: list of tuples specifying the search criteria
* __context: dictionary with argument like ``groupby``
:rtype: [{'field_name_1': value, ...]
:raise AccessError: * if user has no read rights on the requested object
* if user tries to bypass access rules for read on the requested object