请求中的 Swagger OpenAPI 3.0 空身份验证 header

Swagger OpenAPI 3.0 empty authentication header in request

我使用 TypeScript 的 tsoa 生成了下面列出的 swagger.json。但是,当我从 swagger 向授权菜单添加访问令牌并向我的端点之一发出请求时,我希望访问令牌位于 x-access-token header 内。但是,header 没有添加到我的请求中。我需要更改我的 swagger.json 什么才能启用授权 header?


      "description":"<b>This API facilitates custom voice commands to execute the corresponding configured API endpoint</b>",
               "Admin Commands"
                  "description":"No content"
               "Admin Commands"
                  "description":"No content"
               "Admin Commands"
            "description":"<b>Upload a command as a mono recording formatted to a wav file with 16kHz</b> <br> <b>The endpoint corresponding to the command will be executed.</b>",


      "description":"<b>This API facilitates custom voice commands to execute the corresponding configured API endpoint</b>",
               "Admin Commands"
                  "description":"No content"
               "Admin Commands"
                  "description":"No content"
               "Admin Commands"
            "description":"<b>Upload a command as a mono recording formatted to a wav file with 16kHz</b> <br> <b>The endpoint corresponding to the command will be executed.</b>",

您已经定义了安全方案,但您还没有在任何地方实际使用它。在您的许多端点上,您有一个空白的 security 部分,而在其他端点上,您使用的是“jwt”,这不是您定义的“承载”方案。 (注意:您使用的是 API 密钥,而不是承载身份验证,您的名字具有误导性。)


   "security": [
         "bearer": []