具有多个变量的 IF 语句

IF Statement with multiple variables

我有一个倒计时应用程序 运行宁多个日期。我想 运行 clearInterval(),当每个到达日期并停止时钟时。


const currentDate = new Date()

const stageOneA = new Date ('March 8, 2021 00:00:00'),
stageOneB = new Date('March 29,2021 00:00:00'),
stageTwo = new Date('April 12, 2021 00:00:00'),
stageThree = new Date('March 3,2021 00:00:00'),
stageFour = new Date('June 21,2021 00:00:00').getTime()



if(stageOneA || stageOneB || stageTwo || stageThree || stageFour <= currentDate) {



if (stageOneA <= currentDate ||
    stageOneB <= currentDate ||
    stageTwo <= currentDate ||
    stageThree <= currentDate ||
    stageFour <= currentDate) 



您的原始代码是说检查前 4 个日期是否存在,然后检查 stageFour 是否小于或等于当前日期。

// Our interval
const interval = setInterval(() => console.log('lalala'), 1000);

// Declare array of times
const times = [
  new Date ('March 8, 2021 00:00:00'),
  new Date('March 29,2021 00:00:00'),
  new Date('April 12, 2021 00:00:00'),
  new Date('March 3,2021 00:00:00'),
  new Date('June 21,2021 00:00:00'),

// Here begins the checking part.
// This would presumably be ran in a loop,
// perhaps in the same interval function?

// Declare the time we are checking against
const othertime = new Date();
// not needed if we want to just use Date.now()

// check against 
if (
  // use times.reduce to get earliest time
    // times.reduce is passed a function
    // that takes a and b as arguments
    (a, b) => (
      // check which time is smaller
      ( a.getTime() < a.getTime() )
      // and return that
      ? a : b
    // compare the smallest time to the time we're checking against
  ).getTime() < othertime.getTime()
  // instead of othertime.getTime(), we can use Date.now()
) {
  // do whatever

如果你想让你的 if 语句读起来更好,你可以创建一个小帮手

const stages = [stageOneA, stageOneB, stageTwo, stageThree, stageFour];
const olderThan = date => stage => stage <= date;

if(stages.some(olderThan(currentDate))) {