describe 测试中的块没有按预期工作

describe block in test doesn't work as expected

我正在使用 mocha。

describe('test', async function ()  {
  let a;

  before(async () => {
    a = 10;

  it("ff", () => {


  describe("nice", () => {
    const b = a;
    it("ss", () => {

似乎 console.log(b) 打印未定义。即使 before 块首先执行。

知道 b 是未定义的而不是 10 吗?

describe 函数将在调用挂钩之前被调用。测试顺序 (it) 将保留您想要的顺序。例如,在你打印 "nice" 的回调中,a 是 10.

When a test file is loaded, Mocha executes all of its suites and finds–but does not execute–any hooks and tests therein.

来源:第 8 步)