JavaScript: 使用 BFS 获取二进制矩阵中的最短路径
JavaScript: get shortest path in binary matrix using BFS
我一直在使用 JavaScript 研究 leetcode,我正试图解决这个问题
var shortestPathBinaryMatrix = function(grid) {
if(grid[0][0] != 0) return -1
const queue = [[[0,0], 1]]
const dest = [grid.length - 1, grid[0].length - 1]
const visited = new Set()
const getNextSteps = ([x,y]) => {
const dirs = [[1, 0], [-1, 0] , [0,1], [0,-1], [1,1], [-1,1], [-1,-1], [1,-1]]
const nextSteps = []
for(const [nx, ny] of dirs) {
if(grid[x + nx]?.[y + ny] == 0) nextSteps.push([x + nx, y + ny])
return nextSteps
for(const [curr, distance] of queue) {
if(visited.has(curr.toString())) continue
if(curr[0] === dest[0] && curr[1] === dest[1] && grid[dest[0]][dest[1]] == 0) return distance
getNextSteps(curr).forEach(adj => queue.push([adj, distance + 1]))
return -1
但是我想知道我是否也可以获得到达矩阵末尾所需的实际路径,所以我不想 return 将数字作为路径的长度,而是 return 实际路径,它是它在短路路径上访问的坐标数组。
,就应该return[ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 2 ] ]
为了实现这一点,我发现将访问标记设置为比您早一步更容易:在您将 单元格放入队列时进行标记,而不是当您将其从队列中拉出。
var shortestPathBinaryMatrix = function(grid) {
if(grid[0][0] != 0) return []; // modify return type
const queue = [[[0,0], 1]];
const dest = [grid.length - 1, grid[0].length - 1];
const visited = new Map();
visited.set([0,0].toString(), null); // Mark source as visited
const getNextSteps = ([x,y]) => {
const dirs = [[1, 0], [-1, 0] , [0,1], [0,-1], [1,1], [-1,1], [-1,-1], [1,-1]];
const nextSteps = [];
for(const [nx, ny] of dirs) {
if(grid[x + nx]?.[y + ny] == 0) nextSteps.push([x + nx, y + ny]);
return nextSteps;
for (let [curr, distance] of queue) {
// Move the visited check to the loop
if (curr[0] === dest[0] && curr[1] === dest[1] && grid[dest[0]][dest[1]] == 0) {
// Derive the path from the linked list we now have in the visited structure:
let path = [];
while (curr) {
curr = visited.get(curr.toString());
return path.reverse(); // Need to reverse to get from source to destination
for (let adj of getNextSteps(curr)) {
// Visited-check moved here:
if (visited.has(adj.toString())) continue;
// Mark with the coordinates of the previous node on the path:
visited.set(adj.toString(), curr);
queue.push([adj, distance + 1]);
return []; // must modify this as well
// demo
let grid = [[0,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0]];
let result = shortestPathBinaryMatrix(grid);
无关:养成用分号结束语句的习惯是很好的。让你的代码依赖于 automatic semi-colon insertion algorithm 当然是可能的,但你不会是第一个落入它所拥有的晦涩陷阱之一的人。
我一直在使用 JavaScript 研究 leetcode,我正试图解决这个问题
var shortestPathBinaryMatrix = function(grid) {
if(grid[0][0] != 0) return -1
const queue = [[[0,0], 1]]
const dest = [grid.length - 1, grid[0].length - 1]
const visited = new Set()
const getNextSteps = ([x,y]) => {
const dirs = [[1, 0], [-1, 0] , [0,1], [0,-1], [1,1], [-1,1], [-1,-1], [1,-1]]
const nextSteps = []
for(const [nx, ny] of dirs) {
if(grid[x + nx]?.[y + ny] == 0) nextSteps.push([x + nx, y + ny])
return nextSteps
for(const [curr, distance] of queue) {
if(visited.has(curr.toString())) continue
if(curr[0] === dest[0] && curr[1] === dest[1] && grid[dest[0]][dest[1]] == 0) return distance
getNextSteps(curr).forEach(adj => queue.push([adj, distance + 1]))
return -1
但是我想知道我是否也可以获得到达矩阵末尾所需的实际路径,所以我不想 return 将数字作为路径的长度,而是 return 实际路径,它是它在短路路径上访问的坐标数组。
,就应该return[ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 2 ] ]
为了实现这一点,我发现将访问标记设置为比您早一步更容易:在您将 单元格放入队列时进行标记,而不是当您将其从队列中拉出。
var shortestPathBinaryMatrix = function(grid) {
if(grid[0][0] != 0) return []; // modify return type
const queue = [[[0,0], 1]];
const dest = [grid.length - 1, grid[0].length - 1];
const visited = new Map();
visited.set([0,0].toString(), null); // Mark source as visited
const getNextSteps = ([x,y]) => {
const dirs = [[1, 0], [-1, 0] , [0,1], [0,-1], [1,1], [-1,1], [-1,-1], [1,-1]];
const nextSteps = [];
for(const [nx, ny] of dirs) {
if(grid[x + nx]?.[y + ny] == 0) nextSteps.push([x + nx, y + ny]);
return nextSteps;
for (let [curr, distance] of queue) {
// Move the visited check to the loop
if (curr[0] === dest[0] && curr[1] === dest[1] && grid[dest[0]][dest[1]] == 0) {
// Derive the path from the linked list we now have in the visited structure:
let path = [];
while (curr) {
curr = visited.get(curr.toString());
return path.reverse(); // Need to reverse to get from source to destination
for (let adj of getNextSteps(curr)) {
// Visited-check moved here:
if (visited.has(adj.toString())) continue;
// Mark with the coordinates of the previous node on the path:
visited.set(adj.toString(), curr);
queue.push([adj, distance + 1]);
return []; // must modify this as well
// demo
let grid = [[0,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0]];
let result = shortestPathBinaryMatrix(grid);
无关:养成用分号结束语句的习惯是很好的。让你的代码依赖于 automatic semi-colon insertion algorithm 当然是可能的,但你不会是第一个落入它所拥有的晦涩陷阱之一的人。