如何停止 Fortran 列表定向读取以分隔“/”上的字符串
How to stop Fortran list directed read from separating string on '/'
当输入可能包含 /
program test
implicit none
character(len=100) :: line, label, fname
line="command file/path"
read(line, *) label, fname
print *, fname
end program test
此程序将打印 file
而不是打印 file/path
command file/path arg1 arg2
这是使用最新版本的 gfortran 的免费形式,如果有区别的话;我不限于任何特定标准。
据我所知,没有专门通过列表定向 IO 的解决方案。但是,您可以通过将输入读取为格式化字符串并将其标记化来解决问题,如您所说,如以下实现,
module String_mod
use iso_fortran_env, only: IK => int32
implicit none
type :: CharVec_type
character(:) , allocatable :: record
end type CharVec_type
type :: String_type
character(:) , allocatable :: value !< The string value.
type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: Parts(:) !< The string parts.
integer(IK) :: nPart = 0_IK !< The number of parts in the string.
procedure, nopass :: split
end type String_type
function split(string,delim,npart) result(Parts)
implicit none
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: string, delim
integer(IK) , intent(out), optional :: npart
type(CharVec_type) , allocatable :: Parts(:)
integer(IK) , allocatable :: PartEnd(:)
integer(IK) , allocatable :: PartBegin(:)
integer(IK) :: dlmlenMinusOne
integer(IK) :: strlen, dlmlen, npartMax, ipart, ibeg, iend, i
logical :: npartIsPresent
dlmlen = len(delim)
strlen = len(string)
npartIsPresent = present(npart)
! if dlm is empty, return the whole string split character by character
if (dlmlen==0_IK) then
do ipart = 1, strlen
Parts(ipart)%record = string(ipart:ipart)
end do
if (npartIsPresent) npart = strlen
end if
npartMax = 1_IK + strlen / dlmlen ! There can be at most strlen + 1 splits
allocate(PartBegin(npartMax), PartEnd(npartMax)) ! This will contain the beginning and the ends of the splits.
dlmlenMinusOne = dlmlen - 1_IK
ibeg = 0_IK
ipart = 1_IK
PartBegin(ipart) = 1_IK
loopParseString: do
ibeg = ibeg + 1_IK
iend = ibeg + dlmlenMinusOne
if (strlen<iend) then ! the remaining part of the string is shorter than the delim
PartEnd(ipart) = strlen
exit loopParseString
elseif ( string(ibeg:iend) == delim ) then
PartEnd(ipart) = ibeg - 1_IK
ipart = ipart + 1_IK
PartBegin(ipart) = iend + 1_IK
ibeg = iend
end if
end do loopParseString
do i = 1, ipart
Parts(i)%record = string(PartBegin(i):PartEnd(i))
end do
if (present(npart)) npart = ipart
deallocate(PartBegin, PartEnd)
end function split
end module String_mod
program test
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
use String_mod, only: String_type
implicit none
type(String_type) :: string
string%value = "command file/path"
string%Parts = string%split(string = string%value, delim = " ")
write(output_unit,"(*(g0,:,' '))") "fname =", string%Parts(2)%record
end program test
在字符项的列表定向输入中,我们可以避免 *
program test
implicit none
character(len=100) :: line, label, fname
line="command 'file/path'"
read(line, *) label, fname
print *, fname
end program test
当输入可能包含 /
program test
implicit none
character(len=100) :: line, label, fname
line="command file/path"
read(line, *) label, fname
print *, fname
end program test
此程序将打印 file
而不是打印 file/path
command file/path arg1 arg2
这是使用最新版本的 gfortran 的免费形式,如果有区别的话;我不限于任何特定标准。
据我所知,没有专门通过列表定向 IO 的解决方案。但是,您可以通过将输入读取为格式化字符串并将其标记化来解决问题,如您所说,如以下实现,
module String_mod
use iso_fortran_env, only: IK => int32
implicit none
type :: CharVec_type
character(:) , allocatable :: record
end type CharVec_type
type :: String_type
character(:) , allocatable :: value !< The string value.
type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: Parts(:) !< The string parts.
integer(IK) :: nPart = 0_IK !< The number of parts in the string.
procedure, nopass :: split
end type String_type
function split(string,delim,npart) result(Parts)
implicit none
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: string, delim
integer(IK) , intent(out), optional :: npart
type(CharVec_type) , allocatable :: Parts(:)
integer(IK) , allocatable :: PartEnd(:)
integer(IK) , allocatable :: PartBegin(:)
integer(IK) :: dlmlenMinusOne
integer(IK) :: strlen, dlmlen, npartMax, ipart, ibeg, iend, i
logical :: npartIsPresent
dlmlen = len(delim)
strlen = len(string)
npartIsPresent = present(npart)
! if dlm is empty, return the whole string split character by character
if (dlmlen==0_IK) then
do ipart = 1, strlen
Parts(ipart)%record = string(ipart:ipart)
end do
if (npartIsPresent) npart = strlen
end if
npartMax = 1_IK + strlen / dlmlen ! There can be at most strlen + 1 splits
allocate(PartBegin(npartMax), PartEnd(npartMax)) ! This will contain the beginning and the ends of the splits.
dlmlenMinusOne = dlmlen - 1_IK
ibeg = 0_IK
ipart = 1_IK
PartBegin(ipart) = 1_IK
loopParseString: do
ibeg = ibeg + 1_IK
iend = ibeg + dlmlenMinusOne
if (strlen<iend) then ! the remaining part of the string is shorter than the delim
PartEnd(ipart) = strlen
exit loopParseString
elseif ( string(ibeg:iend) == delim ) then
PartEnd(ipart) = ibeg - 1_IK
ipart = ipart + 1_IK
PartBegin(ipart) = iend + 1_IK
ibeg = iend
end if
end do loopParseString
do i = 1, ipart
Parts(i)%record = string(PartBegin(i):PartEnd(i))
end do
if (present(npart)) npart = ipart
deallocate(PartBegin, PartEnd)
end function split
end module String_mod
program test
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
use String_mod, only: String_type
implicit none
type(String_type) :: string
string%value = "command file/path"
string%Parts = string%split(string = string%value, delim = " ")
write(output_unit,"(*(g0,:,' '))") "fname =", string%Parts(2)%record
end program test
你可以在这里在线测试:https://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_fortran_online.php 如果您采用这种方法,您将必须向用户明确说明他们必须在输入中使用的定界符的种类。只要文件路径不包含空格,默认选择黑色即可。
在字符项的列表定向输入中,我们可以避免 *
program test
implicit none
character(len=100) :: line, label, fname
line="command 'file/path'"
read(line, *) label, fname
print *, fname
end program test