您尝试打开的工作区与当前的 dotMemory 版本不兼容

The workspace you are trying to open is incompatible with the current dotMemory version

我已经使用 .Net 5 目标框架创建了一个新的 XUnit 测试项目并进行了一次测试 class

public class SomeTests
    private readonly ITestOutputHelper output;

    public SomeTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
        this.output = output;

    [DotMemoryUnit(CollectAllocations = true)]
    public void SomeTest()
        var beforeTestMethodPoint = dotMemory.Check();
        var allocatedArray = new string[10];
        dotMemory.Check(afterTestMethodPoint => Assert.True(afterTestMethodPoint.GetTrafficFrom(beforeTestMethodPoint).AllocatedMemory.SizeInBytes == 0));

安装的 NuGet 包是 JetBrains.DotMemoryUnit 3.1.20200127.214830

运行测试后(运行 在 dotMemory Unit 下)创建以下输出

Assert.True() Failure
Expected: True
Actual:   False
   at TestsDotMemory.SomeTests.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<SomeTest>b__0(Memory afterTestMethodPoint) in SomeTests.cs:line 25
   at JetBrains.dotMemoryUnit.dotMemory.Check(Action`1 check)
   at TestsDotMemory.SomeTests.SomeTest() in SomeTests.cs:line 25

[dotMemory Unit]: The workspace is saved to "file:///C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Temp/dotMemoryUnitWorkspace/Run-2021-03-06T10-15-06.288/SomeTest.2021-03-06T10-15-11.629.dmw". (File size: 9 MB)

当我用 .dmw 文件点击 link 时,dotmemory 应用程序被打开


JetBrains dotMemory 2020.3.3 Build 203.0.20210217.101844 built on 2021-02-17
dotMemory 2020.3.20210217.101844
dotMemory 2020.3.3 free trial period is running. 2 days left.

并出现对话框 window

The workspace you are trying to open is incompatible with the current dotMemory version. Do you want to open the workspace in a compatible portable dotMemory version?

如果我 select 是,则打开 dotMemory 2019.1.3 并显示有关许可证信息的对话框已结束(我的许可证仅适用于 2020.3)

那么为什么 dotMemory 2020.3.3 不支持 .dmw 文件?

.dmw 文件格式经常更改以便为用户提供新功能。不幸的是,dotMemory Unit 产生了一个旧格式的工作空间,因为新版本已经好几年没有发布了。 据我所知,您没有 dotMemory 2020.3 的许可证,您可以使用试用期。而 dotMemory 2019.1.3 的试用期在您的机器上已经结束。 dotMemory 任何版本的付费许可肯定涵盖所有以前的版本。