用 gradle 发布 groovy 文档

publish groovy doc with gradle

我有一个项目,其中包含大约 50% Java 代码和 50% Groovy 我尝试发布到 Sonatype ossrh。发布快照进展顺利,但缺少文档 jar(在本地发布和发布到 Sonatype Nexus 时)。我可以通过定义创建组合 groovy/java 文档:

groovydoc {
    use = true
    groovyClasspath = configurations.compile // http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1391

task groovydocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: groovydoc ) {
    classifier 'javadoc' // must use javadoc classifier to be able to deploy to Sonatype
    from groovydoc.destinationDir

和 运行 ./gradlew groovydocJar 可以毫无问题地生成预期的 -javadoc.jar。

我的问题是此文档 jar 未包含在发布任务中。


publishing {
    publications {
        maven(MavenPublication) {
            from components.java

            artifacts {
                archives sourcesJar
                archives groovydocJar

            versionMapping {
                usage('java-api') {
                usage('java-runtime') {
            pom {
              // omitted for brevity

... but e.g. `./gradlew publishToMavenLocal` publishes only the classes jar, the pom, a module and the sources jar. 
No sign of a javadoc jar. I thought this was the idea of the artifacts section but maybe something is missing. 
How can i tell the publishing task to include publishing of the groovydocs jar?

Gradle version is 6.8.3, jvm version is 1.8 and i depend on `compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:3.0.7'`

The complete build script is available here: 


那个 artifacts.archives 方法行不通。

添加 groovy 文档的语法如下:

publishing {
    publications {
        maven(MavenPublication) {
            from components.java

            artifact(groovydocJar) {
                classifier = 'javadoc'
        // etc...