Select Tkinter 的日期范围

Select date range with Tkinter

我正在尝试制作一个 tkinter 应用程序,用户可以在其中 select 一个日期范围。 Tkcalendar 库只允许 select 1 天,有没有办法 select 连续多天?



def date_range(start,stop): # Start and stop dates for range
    dates = [] # Empty list to return at the end
    diff = (stop-start).days # Get the number of days between
    for i in range(diff+1): # Loop through the number of days(+1 to include the intervals too)
        day = first + timedelta(days=i) # Days in between
        dates.append(day) # Add to the list
    if dates: # If dates is not an empty list
        return dates # Return it 
        print('Make sure the end date is later than start date') # Print a warning

现在从 tkinter 的角度来看,按钮回调不能 return 任何东西,所以这应该是这样的:

from tkinter import *
import tkcalendar
from datetime import timedelta

root = Tk()

def date_range(start,stop):
    global dates # If you want to use this outside of functions
    dates = []
    diff = (stop-start).days
    for i in range(diff+1):
        day = start + timedelta(days=i)
    if dates:
        print(dates) # Print it, or even make it global to access it outside this
        print('Make sure the end date is later than start date')

date1 = tkcalendar.DateEntry(root)

date2 = tkcalendar.DateEntry(root)

Button(root,text='Find range',command=lambda: date_range(date1.get_date(),date2.get_date())).pack() 



dates = [x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in dates] # In the format yyyy-mm-dd