Why are my pointers locked within a scope?
当我将指针变量传递给我前面的函数时,这些函数会相应地运行并且 "seem" 成功存储数据。但是,仔细检查后,数据丢失 and/or 损坏。即使是将 Stack 变量之一初始化为 NULL 这样简单的事情似乎也会失败。
operators = stack_operators(Token *object);
if (NULL == (operator = stack_operators(&tree)))
{//this code works and succeeds
puts("failed to stack operators.");
puts("committing suicide now.");
print_stack(operator);//prints malloc()d stack to screen
同样的问题影响了我的 pop()
功能。具有讽刺意味的是,我成功释放了分配的 Stack 节点,但我的程序拒绝将下一个节点转移到前一个节点,因此出现 SIGSEGV 错误!这会导致发生双重释放或损坏错误。
该程序重现了我的问题,而没有在第 143 行引起分段错误。第 136 和 140 行是发生数据丢失的地方。这发生在我的实际程序中,SIGSEGV 事件导致 Double Free SIGSEGV 事件。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
/* the Stack structure */
typedef struct stack_t {
int object;
struct stack_t * next;
} Stack;
typedef enum precedence_t { none, low, mid, hi } Precedence;
//pop an item off of the stack
int pop(Stack * stack, int position);
//make a stack for the pop and push functions
Stack * stack_operators(const char ** tree, const int size);
Stack * stack_digits(const char ** tree, const int size);
//print tokens and stacks to screen
void print_token(const char ** tree, const int size);
void print_stack(Stack * stack);
//the token tree
const int SIZE = 4;
const char * data[5] = {
int main(void)
Stack * digits = NULL, * operators = NULL;
int value = 0;
puts("Token List Value...");
print_token(data, SIZE);
puts("Converting token list to stack type...");
puts("making digit stack...");
digits = stack_digits(data, SIZE);
puts("printing digit stack to screen:");
puts("making operator stack...");
operators = stack_operators(data, SIZE);
puts("printing operator stack to screen:");
puts("popping digits at position 0...");
value = pop(digits, 0);
printf("value = %d\n", value);
puts("popping digits at position 0...");
value = pop(digits, 0);
printf("value = %d\n", value);
puts("popping digits at position 0...");
value = pop(digits, 0);//this is where the problem occurs
printf("value = %d\n", value);
void print_token(const char ** tree, const int size)
{//print tokens to screen
if (0 == size)
printf("the token tree has nothing to print.");
for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
printf("token %0d: '%s'\n", (count + 1), tree[count]);
void print_stack(Stack * stack)
{//print stack values to screen
Stack * head = stack;
if (NULL == stack)
puts("nothing in the stack to print.");
for (int i = 0; NULL != stack; i++)
if (ispunct(stack->object))
printf("stack: %d | value: '%c'\n", i, stack->object);
printf("stack: %d | value: '%d'\n", i, stack->object);
stack = stack->next;
stack = head;
//Stack is the stack structure
//position is the location of the element to be popped
int pop(Stack * stack, const int position)
{//pop an object from the stack, free it, and return the its value
int pos;
int data = 0;
Stack * previous = NULL;
Stack * dump = NULL;
Stack * head = stack;
for (pos = 0; NULL != stack; pos++)
if (pos != position)
previous = stack;
stack = stack->next;
data = stack->object;
dump = stack;
if (NULL == previous)
{//first object on the stack
stack = stack->next;//this line is supposed to cause a SEGFAULT
previous->next = stack->next; //stack does not retain pointer value
free(dump);//same stack is attempted to be freed, double free SIGSEGV
if (0 < pos) { stack = head; }
return data;
static Precedence token_precedence(char operator)
{//returns operator precedence
switch (operator)
case '*':
case '/':
return mid;
case '+':
case '-':
return low;
return none;
//determines whether operator is unary or not
static bool isunary(const char ** token, int position)
{ //do NOT allow more than 2 consecutive + or - tokens
//if there are, consider it to be a violation
//if the last token is an operator, consider it to be a violation
int previous = position - 1;
Precedence precedence;
if (0 == position)
if ('-' == token[position][0])
return true;
if (previous <= 0)
{//too early to scan backwards
return false;
precedence = token_precedence(token[previous][0]);
if (low == precedence || mid == precedence)
if ('-' == token[position][0])
return true;
return false;
//makes a stack for the given operators
Stack * stack_operators(const char ** tree, const int size)
{//initialize each stack with a value to be processed
Stack * previous, * current, * head = NULL;
for (int leaf = 0; leaf < size; leaf++)
if (!ispunct(tree[leaf][0]))
if (isunary(tree, leaf))
if (NULL == (current = malloc(sizeof(Stack))))
{//failed to allocate memory for the stack
return NULL;
if (NULL == head)
{//point to the head of the linked list
head = current;
previous->next = current;
current->next = NULL;
current->object = tree[leaf][0];
previous = current;
return head;
//makes a stack for the given digits
Stack * stack_digits(const char ** tree, const int size)
{//initialize each stack with a value to be processed
Stack * previous, * current, * head = NULL;
for (int leaf = 0; leaf < size; leaf++)
if (ispunct(tree[leaf][0]))
if (!isunary(tree, leaf))
if (NULL == (current = malloc(sizeof(Stack))))
{//failed to allocate memory for the stack
return NULL;
if (NULL == head)
head = current;
previous->next = current;
if (isunary(tree, leaf))
current->object = -(atoi(tree[leaf]));
current->object = atoi(tree[leaf]);
current->next = NULL;
previous = current;
return head;
让我觉得这很奇怪的是,我的印象是指针应该允许我 "bend" 特定值的范围,以便我最终可以以某种方式改变或影响它。
下面的代码片段有趣的是 stack->next->object
if (NULL == previous)
{//first object on the stack
puts("in pop(), previous IS null...");
if (NULL == stack->next)
puts("next stack IS null...");
printf("stack next object: %d\n", stack->next->object);
stack = stack->next;
if (0 < pos) { stack = head; }
函数末尾的这一行实际上并没有做太多事情。您将指向数据的指针作为 stack
传递,但在 C 中,该指针本身是按值复制的。这意味着虽然数据指向同一个点,但指针本身是不同的。在函数的末尾,您修改了这个复制的值,当您从函数中 return 时,更改将丢失。如果要修改指针,就得传入一个指向那个指针的指针,比如Stack **stack
if (0 < pos) { *stack = head; }
请记住,C 中的所有内容都是按值传递的,因此如果您想修改任何内容(包括指针),请使用指向这些值的指针。
鉴于您的 Stack
类型,您的 push 和 pop 函数可能是:
void push(Stack **s, int value)
assert(s != 0);
Stack *node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
if (node == 0) { …handle memory allocation error… }
node->next = *s;
node->object = value;
*s = node;
bool pop(Stack **s, int *value)
assert(s != 0 && value != 0);
if (*s == 0)
return false;
Stack *node = *s;
*s = node->next;
*value = node->object;
return true;
Stack *operands = 0;
push(&operands, 123);
push(&operands, 456);
push(&operands, 789);
int value;
while (pop(&operands, &value))
printf("Popped: %d\n", value);
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* For header */
typedef struct Stack Stack;
void push(Stack **s, int value);
bool pop(Stack **s, int *value);
/* Implementation only */
struct Stack
int object;
Stack *next;
void push(Stack **s, int value)
assert(s != 0);
Stack *node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
if (node == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
node->next = *s;
node->object = value;
*s = node;
bool pop(Stack **s, int *value)
assert(s != 0 && value != 0);
if (*s == 0)
return false;
Stack *node = *s;
*s = node->next;
*value = node->object;
return true;
int main(void)
Stack *operands = 0;
push(&operands, 123);
push(&operands, 456);
push(&operands, 789);
int value;
while (pop(&operands, &value))
printf("Popped: %d\n", value);
运行 的输出即:
Popped: 789
Popped: 456
Popped: 123
运行 它在 valgrind
您可能还注意到描述堆栈接口的 header 不需要结构类型的详细信息;可以保持隐藏以供实施了解(仅)。这是一种封装形式。您可以将示例代码分成三个文件: stack.h
包含 typedef
和两个函数声明; stack.c
包括 stack.h
并且仅包含两个函数定义; main.c
包括 stack.h
并且仅包含 main()
当我将指针变量传递给我前面的函数时,这些函数会相应地运行并且 "seem" 成功存储数据。但是,仔细检查后,数据丢失 and/or 损坏。即使是将 Stack 变量之一初始化为 NULL 这样简单的事情似乎也会失败。
operators = stack_operators(Token *object);
if (NULL == (operator = stack_operators(&tree)))
{//this code works and succeeds
puts("failed to stack operators.");
puts("committing suicide now.");
print_stack(operator);//prints malloc()d stack to screen
同样的问题影响了我的 pop()
功能。具有讽刺意味的是,我成功释放了分配的 Stack 节点,但我的程序拒绝将下一个节点转移到前一个节点,因此出现 SIGSEGV 错误!这会导致发生双重释放或损坏错误。
该程序重现了我的问题,而没有在第 143 行引起分段错误。第 136 和 140 行是发生数据丢失的地方。这发生在我的实际程序中,SIGSEGV 事件导致 Double Free SIGSEGV 事件。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
/* the Stack structure */
typedef struct stack_t {
int object;
struct stack_t * next;
} Stack;
typedef enum precedence_t { none, low, mid, hi } Precedence;
//pop an item off of the stack
int pop(Stack * stack, int position);
//make a stack for the pop and push functions
Stack * stack_operators(const char ** tree, const int size);
Stack * stack_digits(const char ** tree, const int size);
//print tokens and stacks to screen
void print_token(const char ** tree, const int size);
void print_stack(Stack * stack);
//the token tree
const int SIZE = 4;
const char * data[5] = {
int main(void)
Stack * digits = NULL, * operators = NULL;
int value = 0;
puts("Token List Value...");
print_token(data, SIZE);
puts("Converting token list to stack type...");
puts("making digit stack...");
digits = stack_digits(data, SIZE);
puts("printing digit stack to screen:");
puts("making operator stack...");
operators = stack_operators(data, SIZE);
puts("printing operator stack to screen:");
puts("popping digits at position 0...");
value = pop(digits, 0);
printf("value = %d\n", value);
puts("popping digits at position 0...");
value = pop(digits, 0);
printf("value = %d\n", value);
puts("popping digits at position 0...");
value = pop(digits, 0);//this is where the problem occurs
printf("value = %d\n", value);
void print_token(const char ** tree, const int size)
{//print tokens to screen
if (0 == size)
printf("the token tree has nothing to print.");
for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
printf("token %0d: '%s'\n", (count + 1), tree[count]);
void print_stack(Stack * stack)
{//print stack values to screen
Stack * head = stack;
if (NULL == stack)
puts("nothing in the stack to print.");
for (int i = 0; NULL != stack; i++)
if (ispunct(stack->object))
printf("stack: %d | value: '%c'\n", i, stack->object);
printf("stack: %d | value: '%d'\n", i, stack->object);
stack = stack->next;
stack = head;
//Stack is the stack structure
//position is the location of the element to be popped
int pop(Stack * stack, const int position)
{//pop an object from the stack, free it, and return the its value
int pos;
int data = 0;
Stack * previous = NULL;
Stack * dump = NULL;
Stack * head = stack;
for (pos = 0; NULL != stack; pos++)
if (pos != position)
previous = stack;
stack = stack->next;
data = stack->object;
dump = stack;
if (NULL == previous)
{//first object on the stack
stack = stack->next;//this line is supposed to cause a SEGFAULT
previous->next = stack->next; //stack does not retain pointer value
free(dump);//same stack is attempted to be freed, double free SIGSEGV
if (0 < pos) { stack = head; }
return data;
static Precedence token_precedence(char operator)
{//returns operator precedence
switch (operator)
case '*':
case '/':
return mid;
case '+':
case '-':
return low;
return none;
//determines whether operator is unary or not
static bool isunary(const char ** token, int position)
{ //do NOT allow more than 2 consecutive + or - tokens
//if there are, consider it to be a violation
//if the last token is an operator, consider it to be a violation
int previous = position - 1;
Precedence precedence;
if (0 == position)
if ('-' == token[position][0])
return true;
if (previous <= 0)
{//too early to scan backwards
return false;
precedence = token_precedence(token[previous][0]);
if (low == precedence || mid == precedence)
if ('-' == token[position][0])
return true;
return false;
//makes a stack for the given operators
Stack * stack_operators(const char ** tree, const int size)
{//initialize each stack with a value to be processed
Stack * previous, * current, * head = NULL;
for (int leaf = 0; leaf < size; leaf++)
if (!ispunct(tree[leaf][0]))
if (isunary(tree, leaf))
if (NULL == (current = malloc(sizeof(Stack))))
{//failed to allocate memory for the stack
return NULL;
if (NULL == head)
{//point to the head of the linked list
head = current;
previous->next = current;
current->next = NULL;
current->object = tree[leaf][0];
previous = current;
return head;
//makes a stack for the given digits
Stack * stack_digits(const char ** tree, const int size)
{//initialize each stack with a value to be processed
Stack * previous, * current, * head = NULL;
for (int leaf = 0; leaf < size; leaf++)
if (ispunct(tree[leaf][0]))
if (!isunary(tree, leaf))
if (NULL == (current = malloc(sizeof(Stack))))
{//failed to allocate memory for the stack
return NULL;
if (NULL == head)
head = current;
previous->next = current;
if (isunary(tree, leaf))
current->object = -(atoi(tree[leaf]));
current->object = atoi(tree[leaf]);
current->next = NULL;
previous = current;
return head;
让我觉得这很奇怪的是,我的印象是指针应该允许我 "bend" 特定值的范围,以便我最终可以以某种方式改变或影响它。
下面的代码片段有趣的是 stack->next->object
if (NULL == previous)
{//first object on the stack
puts("in pop(), previous IS null...");
if (NULL == stack->next)
puts("next stack IS null...");
printf("stack next object: %d\n", stack->next->object);
stack = stack->next;
if (0 < pos) { stack = head; }
函数末尾的这一行实际上并没有做太多事情。您将指向数据的指针作为 stack
传递,但在 C 中,该指针本身是按值复制的。这意味着虽然数据指向同一个点,但指针本身是不同的。在函数的末尾,您修改了这个复制的值,当您从函数中 return 时,更改将丢失。如果要修改指针,就得传入一个指向那个指针的指针,比如Stack **stack
if (0 < pos) { *stack = head; }
请记住,C 中的所有内容都是按值传递的,因此如果您想修改任何内容(包括指针),请使用指向这些值的指针。
鉴于您的 Stack
类型,您的 push 和 pop 函数可能是:
void push(Stack **s, int value)
assert(s != 0);
Stack *node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
if (node == 0) { …handle memory allocation error… }
node->next = *s;
node->object = value;
*s = node;
bool pop(Stack **s, int *value)
assert(s != 0 && value != 0);
if (*s == 0)
return false;
Stack *node = *s;
*s = node->next;
*value = node->object;
return true;
Stack *operands = 0;
push(&operands, 123);
push(&operands, 456);
push(&operands, 789);
int value;
while (pop(&operands, &value))
printf("Popped: %d\n", value);
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* For header */
typedef struct Stack Stack;
void push(Stack **s, int value);
bool pop(Stack **s, int *value);
/* Implementation only */
struct Stack
int object;
Stack *next;
void push(Stack **s, int value)
assert(s != 0);
Stack *node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
if (node == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
node->next = *s;
node->object = value;
*s = node;
bool pop(Stack **s, int *value)
assert(s != 0 && value != 0);
if (*s == 0)
return false;
Stack *node = *s;
*s = node->next;
*value = node->object;
return true;
int main(void)
Stack *operands = 0;
push(&operands, 123);
push(&operands, 456);
push(&operands, 789);
int value;
while (pop(&operands, &value))
printf("Popped: %d\n", value);
运行 的输出即:
Popped: 789
Popped: 456
Popped: 123
运行 它在 valgrind
您可能还注意到描述堆栈接口的 header 不需要结构类型的详细信息;可以保持隐藏以供实施了解(仅)。这是一种封装形式。您可以将示例代码分成三个文件: stack.h
包含 typedef
和两个函数声明; stack.c
包括 stack.h
并且仅包含两个函数定义; main.c
包括 stack.h
并且仅包含 main()