如果输入数据不在列表末尾,则带有插入排序的 C 双链表会继续覆盖

C Doubly Linked List w/ Insertion Sort keeps overwriting if Inputted Data is not at the End of the List



User Input: 5  
User Input: 1
User Input: 3
User Input: 8
User Input: 7
User Input: 9

Unsorted List: 5  1  3  8  7  9

//Insertion Sort Function gets called after all the data have been entered//

Output: 1  3  5  7  8  9


User Input: 1
//Insertion Sort Function gets called//
Output: 1

User Input: 2
//Insertion Sort Function gets called//
Output: 1  2

User Input: 9
//Insertion Sort Function gets called//
Output: 1  2  9

User Input: 3
//Insertion Sort Function gets called//
Output: 1  2  3 9

User Input: 4
//Insertion Sort Function gets called//
Output: 1  2  3  4

如您所见,3 被很好地插入到列表中,但不知何故,我的代码认为列表的末尾现在在 3 之后,所以当我输入新数据时,例如,4 到新列表中列表,9 被覆盖,因为它认为 3 是列表的末尾。




//// structure for a node ////
struct Node 
    int data; 
    struct Node *prev;
    struct Node *next; 

typedef struct Node NODE;
void UserInput();
void printList(struct Node *head, );
void insertionSort(struct Node **head_ref);
void sortedInsert(struct Node** head_ref, struct Node* newNode);

void main() 


void UserInput()
    int loop=0; 
    int data;
    struct Node *temp;
    NODE *tail = NULL;
    struct Node *head;
    head = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));  ////create node, store address to temp
        printf("\nEnter Data: "); 
        scanf(" %d" , &data);
        head->data = data;
        head->prev = NULL; //// head node's prev is set to NULL
        head->next = NULL; //// head node's next is set to NULL
        tail = head;
    while (loop < 9999) 
        temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));  ////create node, store address to temp
        printf("\nEnter Data: "); 
        scanf(" %d" , &data);
        if(data == 9999)
        temp->data = data;
        temp->prev = tail; //// prev pointer of temp is referenced to the last node
        temp->next = NULL; //// next pointer of temp is NULL
        tail->next = temp; //// next pointer of the tail node is referenced to the temp
        tail = temp;       //// temp is made as the tail node
    printf("Insertion of Numbers Terminated.");
    //// If insertionSort function is called after all  User Inputs, there are no problems in sorting.


////Printing Function to get called every loop////
void printList(struct Node *head) 
 struct Node *temp1 = head; 

 temp1 = head;
 printf("\nSorted Numbers: ");

 while(temp1 != NULL)
 printf(" %d ", temp1->data);
 temp1 = temp1->next;

////Insertion Sort Algorithm to sort the list////
void insertionSort(struct Node **head_ref) 
    //// Initialize 'sorted' - a sorted doubly linked list 
    struct Node* sorted = NULL; 
    //// Traverse the given doubly linked list and insert every node to 'sorted' 
    struct Node* current = *head_ref; 
    while (current != NULL) { 
        //// Store next for next iteration 
        struct Node* next = current->next; 
        //// removing all the links so as to create 'current' as a new node for insertion 
        current->prev = current->next = NULL; 
        //// insert current in 'sorted' doubly linked list 
        sortedInsert(&sorted, current); 
        //// Update current 
        current = next; 
    //// Update head_ref to point to sorted doubly linked list 
    *head_ref = sorted;

void sortedInsert(struct Node** head_ref, struct Node* newNode) 
    struct Node* current; 
    //// if list is empty 
    if (*head_ref == NULL)
        *head_ref = newNode;
    //// if the node is to be inserted at the beginning of the doubly linked list 
    else if ((*head_ref)->data >= newNode->data) 
        newNode->next = *head_ref; 
        newNode->next->prev = newNode; 
        *head_ref = newNode; 

        current = *head_ref; 
        //// locate the node after which the new node is to be inserted 
        while (current->next != NULL && current->next->data < newNode->data)
            current = current->next;
        ////Make the appropriate links ////
        newNode->next = current->next; 
        //// if the new node is not inserted at the end of the list 
        if (current->next != NULL)
            newNode->next->prev = newNode;

        current->next = newNode; 
        newNode->prev = current; 


temp->next = NULL; 


temp->next = tail->next; 

为什么??因为您正在交换节点本身,所以在每个 insertionSort() 之后,下一个更新的尾巴不会为 NULL,而是指向某个先前添加的节点地址,因为我们正在交换节点,因此地址正在互换。在此处检查示例代码:https://ideone.com/gSKK7B