将 TXT 转换为 CSV
Convert TXTto CSV
我正在做一个项目,我需要获取一个文本文件并将其设为 excel 文件。到目前为止,我想出的是这个。
Remove-Item -path D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv
Add-Content -path D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv -Value '"Part_Number","Cost","Price"'
$csvPath = 'D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv'
#region Excel Test
If (test-path HKLM:SOFTWARE\Classes\Word.Application) {
Write-host "Microsoft Excel installed"
} else {
Write-host "Microsoft Excel not installed"
#region Patterns
$mainpattern1 = '(?<Partnumber>\d*\s*\w*,)(?<Cost>\d*.\d*),(?<Price>\d*.\d*)'
$mainpattern2 = '(?<Part_number>\d*-\d*-\d*),(?<Cost>\d*.\d*),(?<Price>\d*.\d*)'
get-Content 'D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv' | #grabs the content
Select-String -Pattern $mainpattern1, $mainpattern2 | #selects the patterns
Foreach-Object {
$Part_Number, $Cost, $Price = $_.Matches[0].Groups['Part_number', 'Cost','Price']
[PSCustomObject] @{
part_number = $Part_Number
Cost = $Cost
Price = $Price
$objResults | Export-Csv -Path $csvPath -NoTypeInformation -Append
00001143 SP,136.41,227.35
00001223 SP,48.66,81.10
00001236 SP,149.72,249.53
00015172 W,85.32,142.20
我正在创建文件并且 header 值是正确的,但我不确定如何获取要导入的值。
Find-Module -Name '*excel*' | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Results
Version Name Repository Description
------- ---- ---------- -----------
7.1.1 ImportExcel PSGallery PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel....
0.1.12 PSWriteExcel PSGallery Little project to create Excel files without Microsoft Excel being installed.
1.0.2 PSExcel PSGallery Work with Excel without installing Excel
0.6.9 ExcelPSLib PSGallery Allow simple creation and manipulation of XLSX file
2.1 Read-ExcelFile PSGallery PowerShell module to import Excel spreadsheets, without Excel....
MSExcel 将在本机读取格式正确的 CSV。因此,要转换为真正的 XLS 文件,请使用 PowerShell、MSOffice COM 打开包含 CSV 文件的 MSExcel,然后将其另存为 XLS 格式。
$FileName = "$env:temp\Report"
Get-Process |
Export-Csv -UseCulture -Path "$FileName.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $true
explorer.exe "/Select,$FileName.xlsx"
Import-Csv -Path 'D:\temp\book1.txt' -header Title, Author
然后如上所述使用 COM。
Add-Content -path D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv -Value '"Part_Number","Cost","Price"'
$csvPath = 'D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv'
#region Excel Test
If (test-path HKLM:SOFTWARE\Classes\Excel.Application) {#these next few lines will check if excel is installed on the system
Write-host "Microsoft Excel installed"
} else {
Write-host "Microsoft Excel not installed"
#region Patterns
$mainpattern1 = '(?<Part_number>\d*\s*\w*),(?<Cost>\d*.\d*),(?<Price>\d*.\d*)'#These two line will use REGEX to help seperate the data
$mainpattern2 = '(?<Part_number>\d*-\d*-\d*),(?<Cost>\d*.\d*),(?<Price>\d*.\d*)'
get-Content 'D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\Main.rtf' | #grabs the content
Select-String -Pattern $mainpattern2, $mainpattern1 | #selects the patterns
Foreach-Object {
$Part_number, $Cost, $Price = $_.Matches[0].Groups['Part_number', 'Cost','Price'] #Gets the groups of a call to select-string
$results = [PSCustomObject] @{#the list here is what i use to seperate the data onto the CSV file
part_number = $Part_Number
Cost = $Cost
Price = $Price
$results | Export-Csv -Path $csvPath -NoTypeInformation -Append #moves the results to the CSV file
我正在做一个项目,我需要获取一个文本文件并将其设为 excel 文件。到目前为止,我想出的是这个。
Remove-Item -path D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv
Add-Content -path D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv -Value '"Part_Number","Cost","Price"'
$csvPath = 'D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv'
#region Excel Test
If (test-path HKLM:SOFTWARE\Classes\Word.Application) {
Write-host "Microsoft Excel installed"
} else {
Write-host "Microsoft Excel not installed"
#region Patterns
$mainpattern1 = '(?<Partnumber>\d*\s*\w*,)(?<Cost>\d*.\d*),(?<Price>\d*.\d*)'
$mainpattern2 = '(?<Part_number>\d*-\d*-\d*),(?<Cost>\d*.\d*),(?<Price>\d*.\d*)'
get-Content 'D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv' | #grabs the content
Select-String -Pattern $mainpattern1, $mainpattern2 | #selects the patterns
Foreach-Object {
$Part_Number, $Cost, $Price = $_.Matches[0].Groups['Part_number', 'Cost','Price']
[PSCustomObject] @{
part_number = $Part_Number
Cost = $Cost
Price = $Price
$objResults | Export-Csv -Path $csvPath -NoTypeInformation -Append
00001143 SP,136.41,227.35
00001223 SP,48.66,81.10
00001236 SP,149.72,249.53
00015172 W,85.32,142.20
我正在创建文件并且 header 值是正确的,但我不确定如何获取要导入的值。
Find-Module -Name '*excel*' | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Results
Version Name Repository Description
------- ---- ---------- -----------
7.1.1 ImportExcel PSGallery PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel....
0.1.12 PSWriteExcel PSGallery Little project to create Excel files without Microsoft Excel being installed.
1.0.2 PSExcel PSGallery Work with Excel without installing Excel
0.6.9 ExcelPSLib PSGallery Allow simple creation and manipulation of XLSX file
2.1 Read-ExcelFile PSGallery PowerShell module to import Excel spreadsheets, without Excel....
MSExcel 将在本机读取格式正确的 CSV。因此,要转换为真正的 XLS 文件,请使用 PowerShell、MSOffice COM 打开包含 CSV 文件的 MSExcel,然后将其另存为 XLS 格式。
$FileName = "$env:temp\Report"
Get-Process |
Export-Csv -UseCulture -Path "$FileName.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $true
explorer.exe "/Select,$FileName.xlsx"
Import-Csv -Path 'D:\temp\book1.txt' -header Title, Author
然后如上所述使用 COM。
Add-Content -path D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv -Value '"Part_Number","Cost","Price"'
$csvPath = 'D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\MainWarehouse.csv'
#region Excel Test
If (test-path HKLM:SOFTWARE\Classes\Excel.Application) {#these next few lines will check if excel is installed on the system
Write-host "Microsoft Excel installed"
} else {
Write-host "Microsoft Excel not installed"
#region Patterns
$mainpattern1 = '(?<Part_number>\d*\s*\w*),(?<Cost>\d*.\d*),(?<Price>\d*.\d*)'#These two line will use REGEX to help seperate the data
$mainpattern2 = '(?<Part_number>\d*-\d*-\d*),(?<Cost>\d*.\d*),(?<Price>\d*.\d*)'
get-Content 'D:\Users\zabin\OneDrive\Desktop\ITS3410\WEEK8\Main.rtf' | #grabs the content
Select-String -Pattern $mainpattern2, $mainpattern1 | #selects the patterns
Foreach-Object {
$Part_number, $Cost, $Price = $_.Matches[0].Groups['Part_number', 'Cost','Price'] #Gets the groups of a call to select-string
$results = [PSCustomObject] @{#the list here is what i use to seperate the data onto the CSV file
part_number = $Part_Number
Cost = $Cost
Price = $Price
$results | Export-Csv -Path $csvPath -NoTypeInformation -Append #moves the results to the CSV file