如何使用文件中定义的状态机在本地执行 AWS Step Functions?

How to execute AWS Step Functions locally using a State Machine defined in a file?

我已按照 AWS 文档中的步骤在本地设置和 运行 AWS Step Functions:https://docs.aws.amazon.com/step-functions/latest/dg/sfn-local-lambda.html.

一切正常,但在第 5 步它说您必须创建一个状态机,并且当定义包含大量任务时使用命令行执行此操作可能会很痛苦。

有什么方法可以开始执行在本地 .asl 文件中定义的状态机吗?


    "Comment": "A state machine that does mock stock trading.",
    "StartAt": "Check Stock Value",
    "States": {
        "Check Stock Value": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "${StockCheckerFunctionArn}",
            "Retry": [
                    "ErrorEquals": [
                    "IntervalSeconds": 15,
                    "MaxAttempts": 5,
                    "BackoffRate": 1.5
            "Next": "Buy or Sell?"
        "Buy or Sell?": {
            "Type": "Choice",
            "Choices": [
                    "Variable": "$.stock_price",
                    "NumericLessThanEquals": 50,
                    "Next": "Buy Stock"
            "Default": "Sell Stock"
        "Sell Stock": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "${StockSellerFunctionArn}",
            "Retry": [
                    "ErrorEquals": [
                    "IntervalSeconds": 2,
                    "MaxAttempts": 3,
                    "BackoffRate": 1
            "Next": "Record Transaction"
        "Buy Stock": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "${StockBuyerFunctionArn}",
            "Retry": [
                    "ErrorEquals": [
                    "IntervalSeconds": 2,
                    "MaxAttempts": 3,
                    "BackoffRate": 1
            "Next": "Record Transaction"
        "Record Transaction": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "${DDBPutItem}",
            "Parameters": {
                "TableName": "${DDBTable}",
                "Item": {
                    "Id": {
                        "S.$": "$.id"
                    "Type": {
                        "S.$": "$.type"
                    "Price": {
                        "N.$": "$.price"
                    "Quantity": {
                        "N.$": "$.qty"
                    "Timestamp": {
                        "S.$": "$.timestamp"
            "Retry": [
                    "ErrorEquals": [
                    "IntervalSeconds": 20,
                    "MaxAttempts": 5,
                    "BackoffRate": 10
            "End": true


aws stepfunctions --endpoint http://localhost:8083 create-state-machine --definition "$(cat local.asl.json)" --name "HelloWorld" --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::012345678901:role/DummyRole"