gin-swagger 找不到模式类型:"handler.component"

gin-swagger can not find schema type: "handler.component"

我正在尝试使用我创建并在我的代码中用作参数的结构,但是在 运行 swag init 之后我收到以下错误:

ParseComment error in file /src/handler/handler.go :can not find schema type: "handler.component"


package types

// Component defines the structure of the json that user will send for a log search
// swagger:parameters component
type Component struct {
    // in: query
    // example: {"envID":"default", "podID":"log-gen-6d776dc797-bnbm9", "follow":false, "tail":5}
    EnvID  string `json:"envID"`  // The env-id
    PodID  string `json:"podID"`  // The podID
    Tail   int    `json:"tail"`   // Number of lines for tailing the logs
    Follow bool   `json:"follow"` // If the we want to follow the logs or not
    Site   string `json:"site"`   // The cluster/site which hosts the component --> local is pointing to the local cluster


package handler

import (

// FollowLogsSSE is ...
// @Summary Return logs
// @Accept  json
// @Produce  json
// @Param q query component true "{'envID':'default', 'podID':'log-gen-6d776dc797-bnbm9', 'follow':false, 'tail':5}"
// @Success 200 {object} string string
func FollowLogsSSE(comp types.Component) gin.HandlerFunc {

我也试过 // @Param q query types.component true "{'envID':'default', 'podID':'log-gen-6d776dc797-bnbm9', 'follow':false, 'tail':5}" 但我得到了完全相同的错误。


解决方案是使用 types.Component(大写 C)一切正常。


  • 类型需要任何装饰器等,swagger 会毫无问题地找到结构,还会显示每个字段的注释
  • 要根据需要定义字段,您可以将 binding:"required" 添加到该字段:
    EnvID  string `json:"envID" binding:"required"` // The env-id: this can be an env that has created by the user or any other K8s namespace