Apache Airflow 给出损坏的 DAG 错误无法为 speedtest.py 导入 __builtin__

Apache Airflow giving broken DAG error cannot import __builtin__ for speedtest.py

这是我遇到的一个奇怪的错误。在我的 Python 3.7 环境中,我安装了 Airflow 2、speedtest-cli 和其他一些使用 pip 的东西,我一直在 Airflow UI:

Broken DAG: [/env/app/airflow/dags/my_dag.py] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/speedtest.py", line 156, in <module>
    import __builtin__
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '__builtin__'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/speedtest.py", line 179, in <module>
    _py3_utf8_stdout = _Py3Utf8Output(sys.stdout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/speedtest.py", line 166, in __init__
    buf = FileIO(f.fileno(), 'w')
AttributeError: 'StreamLogWriter' object has no attribute 'fileno'

为了完整性检查,我做了 运行 以下操作,没有发现任何问题:

~# python airflow/dags/my_dag.py 
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/decorators.py:94 DeprecationWarning: provide_context is deprecated as of 2.0 and is no longer required

~# airflow dags list
dag_id     | filepath      | owner   | paused
my_dag | my_dag.py | rafay   | False  

~# airflow tasks list my_dag 
[2021-03-08 16:46:26,950] {dagbag.py:448} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /env/app/airflow/dags
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/decorators.py:94 DeprecationWarning: provide_context is deprecated as of 2.0 and is no longer required

所以没有什么不寻常的,测试每个任务也不会引起问题。此外,运行独立于 Airflow 之外 speedtest-cli 脚本也不会引发任何错误。脚本是这样的:

import speedtest

def get_upload_speed():
    Calculates the upload speed of the internet in using speedtest api

        Returns upload speed in Mbps

        s = speedtest.Speedtest()
        upload = s.upload()
    except speedtest.SpeedtestException as e:
        raise AirflowException("Failed to check network bandwidth make sure internet is available.\nException: {}".format(e))

    return round(upload / (1024**2), 2)

我什至去了 speedtest.py 的确切行,如提到的 Broken DAG 错误,第 156 行,它看起来很好,当我输入 python 解释器时 运行 很好.

    import __builtin__
except ImportError:
    import builtins
    from io import TextIOWrapper, FileIO


编辑:如果有帮助,这里是我的目录和 my_dag.py

- airflow
  - dags
    - tasks
      - get_configs.py
      - get_taargets.py
      - push_targets.py  (speedtest is imported here)
    - my_dag.py


from datetime import timedelta
# The DAG object; we'll need this to instantiate a DAG
from airflow import DAG
# Operators; we need this to operate!
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
from airflow.operators.dummy import DummyOperator
from tasks.get_configs import get_configs
from tasks.get_targets import get_targets
from tasks.push_targets import push_targets


Airflow 任务中的 Airflow StreamLogWriter (and other log-related facilities) do not implement the fileno method expected by "standard" Python (I/O) log facility clients (confirmed by a todo comment). The problem here happens also when enabling the faulthandler standard library

那么此时该怎么办呢?除了打开问题或向 Airflow 发送 PR 之外,这确实是个案。在 speedtest-cli 情况下,可能需要隔离调用 fileno 的函数,并尝试“替换”它(例如,分叉库,如果可以隔离和注入则更改函数,也许选择不使用那部分代码的配置)。

在我的特殊情况下,没有办法绕过代码,fork 是最直接的方法。