无法指定用于 MSDN FileInfo.Copy 示例的目标文件名

Trouble specifying destination filename for use in FileInfo.Copy example from MSDN

我使用两个 DateTimePickers 来指定一个日期范围,然后我使用一个 CheckedListBox 来指定一些带有通配符的文件名字符串,以便在系统环境变量路径中包含的每一天的子目录中枚举。我想使用 FileInfo.Copy 从该源复制到目标。


我正在考虑使用正则表达式,但经过一番挖掘后我发现 this MSDN article 似乎已经可以满足我的要求了。我想我需要修改我的代码才能使用它。我可以使用一些帮助将我已经拥有的内容与 MSDN 在其示例中显示的内容相匹配。

我在我的程序的这一部分已经有一个月了,这让我学到了很多关于 c#、并行编程、异步、lambda 表达式、后台工作者等的知识。看起来应该很简单的东西成为我的大兔子洞。对于这个问题,我只需要在正确的方向上轻推一下,我将不胜感激!


    private async void ProcessFiles()

        // create a list of topics
        var topics = topicsBox.CheckedItems.Cast<string>().ToList();

        // create a list of source directories based on date range
        var directories = new List<string>();
        var folders = new List<string>();
        for (DateTime date = dateTimePicker1.Value.Date;
            date.Date <= dateTimePicker2.Value.Date;
            date = date.AddDays(1))
            directories.Add(_tracePath + @"\" + date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"\");
            folders.Add(@"\" + date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"\");

        // create a list of source files to copy and destination
        // revise based on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/kztecsys.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
        foreach (var path in directories)
            var path1 = path;
                foreach (var files2 in folders)
                    // create the target directory
                    var destPath = textBox1.Text + @"\" + textBox4.Text + files2;
                    Console.WriteLine("Target directory is {0}", destPath);
                    Console.WriteLine("Destination filename is {0}", files2);
                    foreach (var files in topics)
                        foreach (string sourcePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path1, files + "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                            // copy the files to the temp folder asynchronously
                            Console.WriteLine("Copy {0} to {1}", sourcePath, destPath);
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(sourcePath.Replace(sourcePath, destPath));
            catch (Exception e)


// Get just the filename of the source file.
var filename = Path.GetFileName(sourcePath);

// Construct a full path to the destination by combining the destination path and the filename.
var fullDestPath = Path.Combine(destPath, filename);

// Ensure the destination directories exist. Don't pass in the filename to CreateDirectory!


File.Copy(sourcePath, fullDestPath);