Angular Material: mat-drawer-container 不显示带有多个 mat-drawer 的背景

Angular Material: mat-drawer-container not showing backdrop with multiple mat-drawer

我正在尝试在我的 mat-drawer-container 上使用多个 mat-drawers 实现 [hasBackdrop]=true。我的 html 结构是这样的:

<mat-drawer-container [hasBackdrop]="true">

  <mat-drawer #drawer mode="over">
    <app-side-nav [drawer]="drawer" [infoDrawer]="infoDrawer" [contactDrawer]="contactDrawer" ></app-side-nav>

  <mat-drawer #infoDrawer mode="over">
    <app-side-info [infoDrawer]="infoDrawer"></app-side-info>

  <mat-drawer #contactDrawer mode="over"opened='true'>
    <app-side-contact [contactDrawer]="contactDrawer"></app-side-contact>

    <app-header [drawer]="drawer"></app-header>




只有一个抽屉,hasBackdropmat-drawer-container 可乐ps 抽屉外的卡嗒声完美配合。但是自从我添加了另外两个后,我就没有可用的背景了。


@Input() hasBackdrop: any | Whether the drawer container should have a backdrop while one of the sidenavs is open. If explicitly set to true, the backdrop will be enabled for drawers in the side mode as well.



ps: 英语不好,抱歉

同一位置不能有多个抽屉 默认位置是开始,你可以在位置=“结束”设置另一个抽屉就是这样。

在你的情况下,side-nav、side-contact、side-info 应该放在同一个抽屉里,你必须实现一些逻辑(或路由)来决定在抽屉里显示什么

PS: 你应该考虑使用 sidenav 而不是 drawer


The sidenav components are designed to add side content to a fullscreen app. The drawer component is designed to add side content to a small section of your app.

JiBi 就在这儿,“同一个位置不能有多个抽屉”

mat-drawermat-side-nav 中显示多种类型的内容或部分的最简单方法是将这些部分包装在 ng-container 中并传递该部分的上下文单击时,它可以用 *ngIf



<mat-drawer-container class="container" autosize>

  <mat-drawer #drawer class="sidenav" mode="over">
    <ng-container *ngIf="sideMenuContext === 'section-1'">
      <!-- section 1 here -->
    <ng-container *ngIf="sideMenuContext === 'section-2'">
      <!-- section 2 here -->        

  <div class="sidenav-content">
    <button type="button" mat-button (click)="drawer.toggle(); sideMenuContext = 'section-1'">
      section 1
    <button type="button" mat-button (click)="drawer.toggle(); sideMenuContext = 'section-2'">
      section 2
    <!-- main content here-->
