如何将 nvcc 与 gprbuild 一起使用?

How to use nvcc with gprbuild?

我在 Ada 中有一段代码必须使用 CUDA 而不使用 Ada 绑定。所以我做了一个接口让Ada程序调用C代码。现在我要编译它。

如何告诉 gprbuild 不使用 gcc 通过 nvcc 编译 .cu 文件?如果不可能,也许我必须使用 nvcc 生成对象,然后 link 使用 ada 代码生成它们?你会怎么做?

编辑:使用 Simon Wright 给出的 link,我制作了这个 gpr 文件:

project Cuda_Interface is
  for Languages use ("Ada", "Cuda");

  for Source_Dirs use ("src");
  for Object_Dir  use "obj";
  for Exec_Dir    use ".";

  for Main use ("cuda_interface.adb");

  for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True";

  package Naming is
    for Body_Suffix("Cuda") use ".cu";
    for Spec_Suffix("Cuda") use ".cuh";
  end Naming;

  package Compiler is
    for Driver("Cuda") use "nvcc";
    for Leading_Required_Switches("Cuda") use ("-c");
  end Compiler;

  package Linker is
    for Default_Switches("Ada") use ("-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64", "-lcuda", "-lcudart", "-lm");
  end Linker;
end Cuda_Interface;

编译工作正常,但是 linker returns 这个错误:

/usr/bin/ld : cuda_interface.o : in the function « _ada_cuda_interface » :
cuda_interface.adb:(.text+0x3a5) : undefined reference to « inter_add_two »
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gprbuild: link of cuda_interface.adb failed


with Ada.Text_IO;   use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Cuda_Interface is
  type Index is range 1 .. 5;
  type Element_Type is new Natural;

  type Array_Type is array (Index) of Element_Type;

  procedure Inter_Add_Two(Arr : in out Array_Type; Length : Index)
      Import        => True,
      Convention    => C,
      External_Name => "inter_add_two";

  A : Array_Type := (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  for I in Index loop
    Put_Line("Value at " 
            & Index'Image(I)
            & " is "
            & Element_Type'Image(A(I)));
  end loop;

  Inter_Add_Two(A, Index'Last);

  for I in Index loop
    Put_Line("Value at " 
            & Index'Image(I)
            & " is "
            & Element_Type'Image(A(I)));
  end loop;
end Cuda_Interface;


#ifndef __KERNEL_CUH__
#define __KERNEL_CUH__

#include <cuda.h>

__global__ void kernel_add_two(unsigned int *a, unsigned int length);
void inter_add_two(unsigned int *a, unsigned int length);

#endif // __KERNEL_CUH__


#include "kernel.cuh"
#include <math.h>

#define THREADS_PER_BLOCK (1024)

__global__ void kernel_add_two(unsigned int *a, unsigned int length)
  unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
  if (tid < length) a[tid] += 2;

void inter_add_two(unsigned int *a, unsigned int length)
  unsigned int block_number = ceil(((float)length) / THREADS_PER_BLOCK);
  unsigned int *d_a;
  cudaMalloc((void**)&d_a, sizeof(unsigned int) * length);
  cudaMemcpy(d_a, a, sizeof(unsigned int) * length, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

  kernel_add_two<<<block_number, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(d_a, length);
  cudaMemcpy(a, d_a, sizeof(unsigned int) * length, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

多亏了评论,我成功编译并 运行 一个调用 C 代码的 Ada 程序调用 CUDA 代码。这些是我编辑的文件:


#ifndef __KERNEL_CUH__
#define __KERNEL_CUH__

#include <cuda.h>

void *__gxx_personality_v0;

extern "C"
  __global__ void kernel_add_two(unsigned int *a, unsigned int length);
  void inter_add_two(unsigned int *a, unsigned int length);

#endif // __KERNEL_CUH__


project Cuda_Interface is
  for Languages use ("Ada", "Cuda");

  for Source_Dirs use ("src");
  for Object_Dir  use "obj";
  for Exec_Dir    use ".";

  for Main use ("cuda_interface.adb");

  for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True";

  package Naming is
    for Body_Suffix("Cuda") use ".cu";
    for Spec_Suffix("Cuda") use ".cuh";
  end Naming;

  package Compiler is
    for Driver("Cuda") use "nvcc";
    for Leading_Required_Switches("Cuda") use ("-c");
  end Compiler;

  package Linker is
    for Default_Switches("Ada") use ("-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64", "-lcuda", "-lcudart", "-lcudadevrt", "-lm");
  end Linker;
end Cuda_Interface;