Xamarin Forms - 使用 LabelSizeFontToFit 效果更改按钮上的文本会使文本越来越小
Xamarin Forms - changing text on button with LabelSizeFontToFit effect makes text smaller and smaller
我有几个水平堆栈布局的按钮,为了适应不同的语言和纵向,我需要文本大小来适应可用的 space。因此,我使用了 LabelSizeFontToFit 效果(来自 Xamarin.Toolkit.Effects NuGet 包),如下面的 XAML 代码所示。
<StackLayout x:Name="TitleBarLayout" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="Fill" VerticalOptions="Fill" Spacing="0" Padding="0" Margin="0" BackgroundColor="LightGoldenrodYellow" >
<Button x:Name="AddSelected" FontSize="Default" HorizontalOptions="End" TextColor="White" VerticalOptions="Center" BackgroundColor="Blue" Margin="0" Padding="0" Clicked="AddSelected_Clicked" >
<effects:LabelSizeFontToFit />
<Button x:Name="DeleteSelected" FontSize="Default" HorizontalOptions="End" TextColor="White" VerticalOptions="Center" BackgroundColor="Red" Margin="0" Padding="0" Clicked="DeleteSelected_Clicked" >
<effects:LabelSizeFontToFit />
这最初工作正常。但是,我需要根据一个或多个项目是否 selected 在两个不同的字符串之间切换这些按钮上的文本。不幸的是,每次我更改 C# 代码隐藏中的文本时,文本都会变小。由于我 select 和 deselect 不同的东西,它最终变得难以辨认。这是没有意义的,因为一旦字体小到足以容纳两个字符串,它就不应该再变小了。
PS 我已经尝试了其他几种缩小字体以适合的方法,但它们更加混乱且难以使用。我不想使用 Forms9Patch,因为它会使我的包大小增加 35%。
public class custombtn:Button
/// <summary>
/// Autosizes the button's font size with regards to it's container size.
/// </summary>
private void AutoFontSize()
//determine the text height for the min font size
double lowerFontSize = 15;
double lowerTextHeight = TextHeightForFontSize(lowerFontSize);
//determine the text height for the max font size
double upperFontSize = 30;
double upperTextHeight = TextHeightForFontSize(upperFontSize);
//start a loop which'll find the optimal font size
while (upperFontSize - lowerFontSize > 1)
//determine current average font size and calculate corresponding text height
double fontSize = (lowerFontSize + upperFontSize) / 2;
double textHeight = TextHeightForFontSize(upperFontSize);
//if the calculated height is out of bounds, update max values, else update min values
if (textHeight > Height)
upperFontSize = fontSize; upperTextHeight = textHeight;
lowerFontSize = fontSize; lowerTextHeight = textHeight;
//finally set the correct font size
FontSize = lowerFontSize;
/// <summary>
/// Determines the text height for the label with a given font size.
/// </summary>
private double TextHeightForFontSize(double fontSize)
FontSize = fontSize;
return OnMeasure(Width, Double.PositiveInfinity).Request.Height;
/// <summary>
/// Callback when the size of the element is set during a layout cycle.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnSizeAllocated(double width, double height)
//call base implementation
base.OnSizeAllocated(width, height);
//update font size
new public string Text
get { return (string)GetValue(TextProperty); }
set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); AutoFontSize(); }
可以添加 MinFontSize 和 MaxFontSize 属性,以便可以在 XAML 中指定 min/max 字体大小值。
我有几个水平堆栈布局的按钮,为了适应不同的语言和纵向,我需要文本大小来适应可用的 space。因此,我使用了 LabelSizeFontToFit 效果(来自 Xamarin.Toolkit.Effects NuGet 包),如下面的 XAML 代码所示。
<StackLayout x:Name="TitleBarLayout" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="Fill" VerticalOptions="Fill" Spacing="0" Padding="0" Margin="0" BackgroundColor="LightGoldenrodYellow" >
<Button x:Name="AddSelected" FontSize="Default" HorizontalOptions="End" TextColor="White" VerticalOptions="Center" BackgroundColor="Blue" Margin="0" Padding="0" Clicked="AddSelected_Clicked" >
<effects:LabelSizeFontToFit />
<Button x:Name="DeleteSelected" FontSize="Default" HorizontalOptions="End" TextColor="White" VerticalOptions="Center" BackgroundColor="Red" Margin="0" Padding="0" Clicked="DeleteSelected_Clicked" >
<effects:LabelSizeFontToFit />
这最初工作正常。但是,我需要根据一个或多个项目是否 selected 在两个不同的字符串之间切换这些按钮上的文本。不幸的是,每次我更改 C# 代码隐藏中的文本时,文本都会变小。由于我 select 和 deselect 不同的东西,它最终变得难以辨认。这是没有意义的,因为一旦字体小到足以容纳两个字符串,它就不应该再变小了。
PS 我已经尝试了其他几种缩小字体以适合的方法,但它们更加混乱且难以使用。我不想使用 Forms9Patch,因为它会使我的包大小增加 35%。
public class custombtn:Button
/// <summary>
/// Autosizes the button's font size with regards to it's container size.
/// </summary>
private void AutoFontSize()
//determine the text height for the min font size
double lowerFontSize = 15;
double lowerTextHeight = TextHeightForFontSize(lowerFontSize);
//determine the text height for the max font size
double upperFontSize = 30;
double upperTextHeight = TextHeightForFontSize(upperFontSize);
//start a loop which'll find the optimal font size
while (upperFontSize - lowerFontSize > 1)
//determine current average font size and calculate corresponding text height
double fontSize = (lowerFontSize + upperFontSize) / 2;
double textHeight = TextHeightForFontSize(upperFontSize);
//if the calculated height is out of bounds, update max values, else update min values
if (textHeight > Height)
upperFontSize = fontSize; upperTextHeight = textHeight;
lowerFontSize = fontSize; lowerTextHeight = textHeight;
//finally set the correct font size
FontSize = lowerFontSize;
/// <summary>
/// Determines the text height for the label with a given font size.
/// </summary>
private double TextHeightForFontSize(double fontSize)
FontSize = fontSize;
return OnMeasure(Width, Double.PositiveInfinity).Request.Height;
/// <summary>
/// Callback when the size of the element is set during a layout cycle.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnSizeAllocated(double width, double height)
//call base implementation
base.OnSizeAllocated(width, height);
//update font size
new public string Text
get { return (string)GetValue(TextProperty); }
set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); AutoFontSize(); }
可以添加 MinFontSize 和 MaxFontSize 属性,以便可以在 XAML 中指定 min/max 字体大小值。