将 pdf 页面呈现为图像 PDFBox 时缺少 PDAnnotationTextMarkup Java

PDAnnotationTextMarkup missing when rendering a pdf page to image PDFBox Java

我有使用 PDFBox API 编写的代码,它突出显示了 PDF 中的文字,但是当我将突出显示的 PDF 页面转换为图像时,我突出显示的任何内容都会从图像中消失。

下面的屏幕截图带有突出显示的文本,为了突出显示我使用了 PDFBox 的 PDAnnotationTextMarkup class:

Highlighted PDF Page


Highlighted PDF Page Image after converting

下面是我用来将 PDF 转换为图像的代码:

PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(new File(pdfFilename));
PDFRenderer pdfRenderer = new PDFRenderer(document);
int pageCounter = 0;
for (PDPage page : document.getPages())
   BufferedImage bim = pdfRenderer.renderImageWithDPI(pageCounter, 300, ImageType.RGB);

   ImageIOUtil.writeImage(bim, pdfFilename + "-" + (pageCounter++) + ".png", 300);

请指出这里出了什么问题,为什么 PDFRenderer 无法获取 PDF 页面图像以及突出显示的红色框。

下面是我用来突出显示 PDF 文本的代码:

private void highlightText(String pdfFilePath, String highlightedPdfFilePath) {
    try {
        // Loading an existing document
        File file = new File(highlightedPdfFilePath);
        if (!file.exists()) {
            file = new File(pdfFilePath);
        PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(file);
        // extended PDFTextStripper class
        PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextHighlighter();
        // Get number of pages
        int number_of_pages = document.getDocumentCatalog().getPages().getCount();

        // The method writeText will invoke an override version of
        // writeString
        Writer dummy = new OutputStreamWriter(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
        stripper.writeText(document, dummy);
        // Print collected information
        System.out.println("tokenStream size::"+tokenStream.size());
        System.out.println("coordinates size::"+coordinates.size());

        double page_height;
        double page_width;
        double width, height, minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
        int rotation;
        // scan each page and highlitht all the words inside them
        for (int page_index = 0; page_index < number_of_pages; page_index++) {
            // get current page
            PDPage page = document.getPage(page_index);
            // Get annotations for the selected page
            List<PDAnnotation> annotations = page.getAnnotations();

            // Define a color to use for highlighting text
            PDColor red = new PDColor(new float[] { 1, 0, 0 }, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);

            // Page height and width
            page_height = page.getMediaBox().getHeight();
            page_width = page.getMediaBox().getWidth();
            // Scan collected coordinates
            for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size(); i++) {
                if (!differencePgaeNumber.contains(page_index)) {
                // if the current coordinates are not related to the current
                // page, ignore them
                if ((int) coordinates.get(i)[4] != (page_index + 1))
                else {
                    // get rotation of the page...portrait..landscape..
                    rotation = (int) coordinates.get(i)[7];

                    // page rotated of 90degrees
                    if (rotation == 90) {
                        height = coordinates.get(i)[5];
                        width = coordinates.get(i)[6];
                        width = (page_height * width) / page_width;

                        // define coordinates of a rectangle
                        maxx = coordinates.get(i)[1];
                        minx = coordinates.get(i)[1] - height;
                        miny = coordinates.get(i)[0];
                        maxy = coordinates.get(i)[0] + width;
                    } else // i should add here the cases -90/-180 degrees
                        height = coordinates.get(i)[5];
                        minx = coordinates.get(i)[0];
                        maxx = coordinates.get(i)[2];
                        miny = page_height - coordinates.get(i)[1];
                        maxy = page_height - coordinates.get(i)[3] + height;
                    // Add an annotation for each scanned word
                    PDAnnotationTextMarkup txtMark = new PDAnnotationTextMarkup(
                    txtMark.setConstantOpacity((float) 0.3); // 30%
                                                                // transparent
                    PDRectangle position = new PDRectangle();
                    position.setLowerLeftX((float) minx);
                    position.setLowerLeftY((float) miny);
                    position.setUpperRightX((float) maxx);
                    position.setUpperRightY((float) ((float) maxy + height));

                    float[] quads = new float[8];
                    quads[0] = position.getLowerLeftX(); // x1
                    quads[1] = position.getUpperRightY() - 2; // y1
                    quads[2] = position.getUpperRightX(); // x2
                    quads[3] = quads[1]; // y2
                    quads[4] = quads[0]; // x3
                    quads[5] = position.getLowerLeftY() - 2; // y3
                    quads[6] = quads[2]; // x4
                    quads[7] = quads[5]; // y5

        // Saving the document in a new file
        File highlighted_doc = new File(highlightedPdfFilePath);
    } catch (IOException e) {

