unseq 执行策略是否要求迭代器的 value_type 是 Cpp17CopyAssignable?

Do the unseq execution policy require the iterators' value_type to be Cpp17CopyAssignable?

以下片段无法使用 GCC 10 (Compiler Explorer link) 编译:

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <execution>

struct T
  int const ID; // Not Cpp17CopyAssignable

int f(std::vector<T> const &v)
  if (v.empty()) return -1;
  return std::min_element(std::execution::par_unseq, v.begin(), v.end(),
                          [](T const &lhs, T const &rhs) { return lhs.ID < rhs.ID; })->ID;


 error: use of deleted function 'T& T::operator=(const T&)'
  643 |                 __min_val = __obj.__min_val;
      |                 ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

我在 cppreference 或 [algorithms] 中都找不到这样的要求。我错过了吗?

C++ 标准不要求传递给并行算法的序列的值是可分配的(也不是可复制构造的,也不是可默认构造的),除非非并行对应方要求。不接受此类值的实现是不合格的。

[algorithms.parallel.defns]/2 Parallel algorithms access objects indirectly accessible via their arguments by invoking the following functions:
(2.2) — Operations on those sequence elements that are required by its specification.



[algorithms.parallel.exec]/2 Unless otherwise stated, implementations may make arbitrary copies of elements (with type T) from sequences where is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T> and is_trivially_destructible_v<T> are true.
