如何在 org (emacs) 中的 4 个议程中使用有组织的时间表

How to use a organized schedule in 4 agendas inside org (emacs)

是否已经为 ORG (emacs) 编码了一些有助于创建艾森豪威尔矩阵的东西?

我知道这可以在议程中创建 4 个不同的文件或通过一些工作来完成,但是可以使用 ORG 的议程将它们分成 4 个象限,如上图?

我想出了这个自定义议程命令,它将优先级为 A 的任何事情视为“重要”,将在接下来两天内截止日期的任何事情视为“紧急”:

(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
             '("e" "Eisenhower matrix"
                 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Urgent (within 2 days) and important")))
                 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Important but not urgent")))
                 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Urgent (within 2 days) but not important")))
                 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Neither important nor urgent"))))

使用它,以下 org-mode 文件:

* TODO [#A] This is important and urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-11 Thu>
* TODO [#A] This is important but not urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-13 Sat>
* TODO This has no priority but is urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-11 Thu>
* TODO [#B] This has medium priority but is urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-11 Thu>
* TODO [#C] This has low priority but is urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-11 Thu>
* TODO [#A] This is important but has no deadline
* TODO This has no priority and is not urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-13 Sat>
* TODO [#B] This has medium priority and is not urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-13 Sat>
* TODO [#C] This has low priority and is not urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-13 Sat>
* TODO This has no priority and no deadline
* TODO [#B] This has medium priority and no deadline
* TODO [#C] This has low priority and no deadline


Urgent (within 2 days) and important
  test:       TODO [#A] This is important and urgent

Important but not urgent
  test:       TODO [#A] This is important but not urgent
  test:       TODO [#A] This is important but has no deadline

Urgent (within 2 days) but not important
  test:       TODO This has no priority but is urgent
  test:       TODO [#B] This has medium priority but is urgent
  test:       TODO [#C] This has low priority but is urgent

Neither important nor urgent
  test:       TODO This has no priority and is not urgent
  test:       TODO [#B] This has medium priority and is not urgent
  test:       TODO This has no priority and no deadline
  test:       TODO [#B] This has medium priority and no deadline
  test:       TODO [#C] This has low priority and is not urgent
  test:       TODO [#C] This has low priority and no deadline


;About the 2 elisp lines below: If you want to send items without explicit 
;priorities to the bottom of the list you have to set org-default-priority to the 
;value of org-lowest-priority). I did this to make recognize that: PRIORITY=0 are 
;items without explicit priorities (not A, B or C, but just TODO)
(setq org-lowest-priority ?E)
(setq org-default-priority ?E)

(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
             '("e" "Eisenhower matrix"
                 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Urgent and important")))
                 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Important but not urgent")))
                 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Urgent but not important")))
                 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Neither important nor urgent"))))

使用它,以下 org-mode 文件:

* TODO [#A] This is important and urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-11 Thu>
* TODO [#A] This is important but not urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-13 Sat>
* TODO This has no priority but is urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-11 Thu>
* TODO [#B] This has medium priority but is urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-11 Thu>
* TODO [#C] This has low priority but is urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-11 Thu>
* TODO [#A] This is important but has no deadline
* TODO This has no priority and is not urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-13 Sat>
* TODO [#B] This has medium priority and is not urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-13 Sat>
* TODO [#C] This has low priority and is not urgent
DEADLINE: <2021-03-13 Sat>
* TODO This has no priority and no deadline
* TODO [#B] This has medium priority and no deadline
* TODO [#C] This has low priority and no deadline


Urgent and important
  refile:     TODO [#A] This is important and not urgent: ver como adicionar os aniversários no ORG
  refile:     TODO [#A] This is important and urgent
  refile:     TODO [#A] This is important but not urgent
  refile:     TODO [#A] This is important but has no deadline

Important but not urgent
  refile:     TODO [#B] This has medium priority but is urgent
  refile:     TODO [#B] This has medium priority and is not urgent
  refile:     TODO [#B] This has medium priority and no deadline

Urgent but not important
  refile:     TODO [#C] This has low priority but is urgent
  refile:     TODO [#C] This has low priority and is not urgent
  refile:     TODO [#C] This has low priority and no deadline

Neither important nor urgent
  refile:     TODO This has no priority but is urgent
  refile:     TODO This has no priority and is not urgent
  refile:     TODO This has no priority and no deadline