根据从组合框 c# 中的选择,我的代码没有切换到所需的功能

My code is not switching to the desired function depending upon the selection from combo box c#

即使我从下拉列表中选择了 CHEMICAL,代码也没有调用 show_auto 函数,它总是调用 show_cement 函数。

private void gunaComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    ArrayList companyName = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList Price = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList category = new ArrayList();

    String selected = this.gunaComboBox1.GetItemText(this.gunaComboBox1.SelectedItem);

    if (selected.Equals("CHEMICAL")) {
        show_auto(companyName, Price, selected);
    } else {

        show_cement(companyName, Price, "CEMENT");
String selected = gunaComboBox1.selecteditem.text;