Angular 中的两个 ngFor 按日期排序

Order by date on two ngFor in Angular

我有两个数组来自两个不同的 API,每个都来自不同的数据库并按日期降序排列。当我在 html 中显示它们时,我希望将 2 个 'ngFor' 按日期重新排列为降序。目前,输出将如下所示

Date Content 1 Content 2
5 Mar 2021 contents from database 1 contents from database 1
3 Mar 2021 contents from database 1 contents from database 1
3 Mar 2021 contents from database 1 contents from database 1
10 Mar 2021 contents from database 2 (empty)
2 Mar 2021 contents from database 2 (empty)


Date Contents Content 2
10 Mar 2021 contents from database 2 (empty)
5 Mar 2021 contents from database 1 contents from database 1
3 Mar 2021 contents from database 1 contents from database 1
3 Mar 2021 contents from database 1 contents from database 1
2 Mar 2021 contents from database 2 (empty)

有没有办法重新排列它们或将两个 'ngFor' 放入一个新的 'ngFor' 并重新排序?请告知或分享我可以研究的任何可用资源,谢谢。

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组件 TS:

import { APIService } from '.../api.service';

export class AppComponent {

  constructor( public service: APIService; ) { } 

  ngOnInit() {

  //Service Call
  apiServiceGet1() {
     this.service.get1().subscribe(result => {
     this.array1 = result;
  apiServiceGet2() {
     this.service.get2().subscribe(result => {
     this.array2 = result;


import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
export class APIService {
   constructor ( public http: HttpClient ) { }
   public get1(): Observable<Array<Data>> {
      return this.http
        .pipe(map(response => response))
   public get2(): Observable<Array<Data>> {
      return this.http
        .pipe(map(response => response))


      <td>Content 1</td>
      <td>Content 2</td>
   <tr *ngFor="let data of array1">
      <td> {{ data.Date }} </td>
      <td> {{ data.Content1 }} </td>
      <td> {{ data.Content2 }} </td>
   <tr *ngFor="let data of array2">
      <td> {{ data.Date }} </td>
      <td> {{ data.Content1 }} </td>
      <td> {{ data.Content2 }} </td>


export class AppComponent {
  joinedApiCall$: Observable<Array<Data>>;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.joinedApiCall$ = forkJoin(
      map(([first, second]) => {
        const unsorted = [...first, ...second]; // Merge two arrays
        return unsorted.sort((a, b) => b.Date - a.Date);

  // Mock Service Call
  apiServiceGet1(): Observable<Array<Data>> {
    return of([
        Date: 5,
        Contents: "contents from database 1"
      } as Data,
        Date: 3,
        Contents: "contents from database 1"
      } as Data,
        Date: 1,
        Contents: "contents from database 1"
      } as Data,

   // Mock Service Call
   apiServiceGet2(): Observable<Array<Data>> {
    return of([
        Date: 10,
        Contents: "contents from database 2"
      } as Data,
        Date: 2,
        Contents: "contents from database 2"
      } as Data


<div *ngIf="this.joinedApiCall$">
  <div *ngFor="let data of this.joinedApiCall$ | async">
      <li>{{ data.Date }}</li>