excel 到 powerpoint Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=0 随机错误

excel to powerpoint Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=0 random error

我遇到了一个 VBA 项目。我的目标是从 excel 制作一个幻灯片。 excel 中的每一行都制作一张新幻灯片,所有信息都会自动放置。

程序启动,您选择了幻灯片模板。然后,对于 excel 第一行的每个单元格,将形状(文本或图片)放置在 powerpoint 幻灯片上所需的位置。位置保存在数组中。当第一行的所有形状都放入幻灯片后,它会自动制作所有其他幻灯片(所有形状都放置在正确的位置)。


    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Dim PPTApp As PowerPoint.Application
        Dim PPTPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
        Dim PPTSlide As PowerPoint.slide
        Dim Wks As Worksheet
        Dim Ncol As Integer, Nrow As Integer, Y As Integer
        Dim ExcRng As Variant, Tpath As Variant, Plage As Variant
        Dim PLShape() As Variant, PTShape() As Variant, PHShape() As Variant
        Dim myShape As Object
        Set Wks = Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
        Set PPTApp = New PowerPoint.Application
            PPTApp.Visible = True
        Set PPTPres = PPTApp.Presentations.Add
'define row, column and choice of the ppt layout. Also dimensioning the Arrays'
        Ncol = Wks.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        Nrow = Wks.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
        Set Plage = Wks.Range("B1:B" & Nrow)
        Tpath = Application.GetOpenFilename(".potx,*.potx", , "Choisissez le template")
        Y = 0
        ReDim PTShape(Ncol - 1)
        ReDim PLShape(Ncol - 1)
        ReDim PHShape(Ncol - 1)
        For Each Cell In Plage
'Loop through all rows'
            Set PPTSlide = PPTPres.Slides.Add(Y + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
            With PPTSlide
                PPTSlide.ApplyTemplate (Tpath)
                PPTSlide.CustomLayout = PPTPres.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(1)
            End With
            Y = Y + 1
'Loop through all columns of each rows'    
            For x = 0 To Ncol - 1          
                Set ExcRng = Wks.Cells(Cell.Row, x + 1)
'On error is used to pass cells that are empty. Maybe I could test ExcRng instead, but can't make it work' 
    On Error GoTo suite:
'the problem should be around here i guess'

                PPTSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=0
                Set myShape = PPTSlide.Shapes(PPTSlide.Shapes.Count)

'If statement, if this is the first slide, then you place all shape one by one. If not, all shapes are placed automatically with, "copying" the first slide'
                If Y = 1 Then
                    MsgBox "Enregistrer position"
                    PTShape(x) = myShape.Top
                    PLShape(x) = myShape.Left
                    PHShape(x) = myShape.Height
                    myShape.Top = PTShape(x)
                    myShape.Left = PLShape(x)
                    myShape.Height = PHShape(x)
                End If
    On Error GoTo -1
            Application.CutCopyMode = False
            Next x
        Next Cell
    End Sub

我的程序有 2 个问题,我无法解决这些问题:


我只能这样了。也许我对形状、幻灯片甚至对象的定义有问题 myShape 定义不当,但由于失败是随机的,因此很难控制。




  1. 对于每个单元格,我检查它是否包含图片以及它是否为空。
  • 如果包含图片,则复制DataType:=ppPasteDefault
  • 如果不为空则复制带DataType:=ppPasteText
  • 如果为空则复制DataType:=ppPasteEnhancedMetafile


  1. 现在,如果 copy/paste 过程中出现错误,您可以使用错误处理程序重新启动循环。这不是最漂亮的解决方案,但到目前为止它是有效的。


`私有子 CommandButton1_Click()

Dim PPTApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPTPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim PPTSlide As PowerPoint.slide

Dim cshape As Shape
Dim cflag As Boolean
Dim Wks As Worksheet

Dim Ncol As Integer, Nrow As Integer, Y As Integer
Dim ExcRng As Variant, Tpath As Variant, Plage As Variant
Dim PLShape() As Variant, PTShape() As Variant, PHShape() As Variant
Dim myShape As Object
Dim Eshape As Shape
Set Wks = Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)

Set PPTApp = New PowerPoint.Application
    PPTApp.Visible = True
Set PPTPres = PPTApp.Presentations.Add
Ncol = Wks.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Nrow = Wks.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Set Plage = Wks.Range("B1:B" & Nrow)
Tpath = Application.GetOpenFilename(".potx,*.potx", , "Choisissez le template")

Y = 0
ReDim PTShape(Ncol - 1)
ReDim PLShape(Ncol - 1)
ReDim PHShape(Ncol - 1)

On Error GoTo reprise:

For Each Cell In Plage
    Set PPTSlide = PPTPres.Slides.Add(Y + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
    With PPTSlide
        PPTSlide.ApplyTemplate (Tpath)
        PPTSlide.CustomLayout = PPTPres.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(1)
    End With
    Y = Y + 1
    For x = 0 To Ncol - 1
         On Error GoTo -1

        Set ExcRng = Wks.Cells(Cell.Row, x + 1)
        cflag = False
        For Each cshape In Wks.Shapes
            If cshape.TopLeftCell.Address = Wks.Cells(Cell.Row, x + 1).Address Then
                cflag = True
                GoTo suite:
            End If
            If cflag Then
                PPTSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteDefault
                If Wks.Cells(Cell.Row, x + 1) <> 0 Then
                    PPTSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteText
                    PPTSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteEnhancedMetafile
                End If
            End If
        Set myShape = PPTSlide.Shapes(PPTSlide.Shapes.Count)
        If Y = 1 Then
            MsgBox "Enregistrer position"
            PTShape(x) = myShape.Top
            PLShape(x) = myShape.Left
            PHShape(x) = myShape.Height
            myShape.Top = PTShape(x)
            myShape.Left = PLShape(x)
            myShape.Height = PHShape(x)
        End If

    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Next x
Next Cell

