Elastic search nested query
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"userQuestionlst.question": "Any pet peeves?"
"match": {
"userQuestionlst.answer": "yes tiger"
"took": 2,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 2,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 2,
"max_score": 2.5099993,
"hits": [
"_index": "roommate",
"_type": "usermaster",
"_id": "5597b5aa3163501e40cac8ca",
"_score": 2.5099993,
"_source": {
"iD": "5597b5aa3163501e40cac8ca",
"firstName": "Trilok",
"lastName": "chandra",
"hometown": "Akutan Alaska",
"dob": "2002-08-31T00:00:00",
"relationShip": "Single",
"gender": "Male",
"profilePicturePath": "",
"isRoom": false,
"isActive": false,
"userQuestionlst": [
"question": "How often do you clean up?",
"answer": "I am a tidy person",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Any pet peeves?",
"answer": "yes tiger",
"specialField": "PetPeeves"
"question": "Are you ok with opposite sex roommates?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you prefer to be similar age with your roommates?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Spoken Languages",
"answer": "Hindi,",
"specialField": "Languages"
"question": "Are you currently enrolled in college?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Where are you going to school?",
"answer": "Jacksonville University",
"specialField": ""
"question": "When do you graduate?",
"answer": "2021",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Where are taking most of your classes?",
"answer": "On Campus",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What Major?",
"answer": "Judaism & Jewish Studies",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you have any pets?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What kind of pets do you have?",
"answer": "Turtle",
"specialField": "Pets"
"question": "Are you OK with roommates who have pets?",
"answer": "Sure",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you drink alcohol?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How often do you drink?",
"answer": "Drinking now",
"specialField": "Drinkalcohol"
"question": "Are you OK with a roommate who drinks?",
"answer": "Sure",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you smoke cigarettes?",
"answer": "Inside and outside",
"specialField": "Smokes"
"question": "Are you ok with a roommate who smokes?",
"answer": "Inside and out is fine",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Would you like to be matched based upon your political alignment?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Which political party do you associate most with?",
"answer": "Green Party",
"specialField": "PoliticalParty"
"question": "Would you like to be matched based upon your religious alignment?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What religion do you associate most with?",
"answer": "Hinduism",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you play sports?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you play video games?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you play board or card games?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Have any favorite TV shows?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Have any favorite movies?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Are you a music fan?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you have any hobbies?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Where do you live?",
"answer": "Akutan Alaska",
"specialField": "Address",
"location": {
"lat": 54.143,
"lon": -165.7854
"question": "What kind of place do you have?",
"answer": "Apartment",
"specialField": "PreferPlace"
"question": "How much to rent at your place?",
"answer": "500",
"specialField": "Rent"
"question": "When is the space available?",
"answer": "4/2/2016",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How long do you need a roommate for?",
"answer": "A year or so",
"specialField": "HowlongLookingRent"
"question": "Does the renter share a bathroom?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Please share some details about the space for rent",
"answer": "kl",
"specialField": ""
"lastlogin": "2015-07-07T11:18:21.6556311+05:30"
"_index": "roommate",
"_type": "usermaster",
"_id": "559b676e31635021dc804115",
"_score": 0.50675774,
"_source": {
"iD": "559b676e31635021dc804115",
"firstName": "pratik",
"lastName": "jangid",
"hometown": "jodpur",
"dob": "2000-10-17T00:00:00",
"relationShip": "Married",
"gender": "Male",
"isRoom": false,
"isActive": false,
"userQuestionlst": [
"question": "Where do you live?",
"answer": "Anchorage Alaska",
"specialField": "Address",
"location": {
"lat": 61.2116,
"lon": -149.8761
"question": "What kind of place do you have?",
"answer": "Apartment",
"specialField": "PreferPlace"
"question": "How much to rent at your place?",
"answer": "344",
"specialField": "Rent"
"question": "When is the space available?",
"answer": "2/5/2021",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How long do you need a roommate for?",
"answer": "A year or so",
"specialField": "HowlongLookingRent"
"question": "Does the renter share a bathroom?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Please share some details about the space for rent",
"answer": "adsf",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How often do you clean up?",
"answer": "My clothes are organized by color",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Any pet peeves?",
"answer": "a",
"specialField": "PetPeeves"
"question": "Are you ok with opposite sex roommates?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you prefer to be similar age with your roommates?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Spoken Languages",
"answer": "English,Hindi,",
"specialField": "Languages"
"question": "Are you currently enrolled in college?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you have any pets?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What kind of pets do you have?",
"answer": "Bird,Turtle",
"specialField": "Pets"
"question": "Are you OK with roommates who have pets?",
"answer": "Sure",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you drink alcohol?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How often do you drink?",
"answer": "Weekends",
"specialField": "Drinkalcohol"
"question": "Are you OK with a roommate who drinks?",
"answer": "Sure",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you smoke cigarettes?",
"answer": "Outside only",
"specialField": "Smokes"
"question": "Are you ok with a roommate who smokes?",
"answer": "Inside and out is fine",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Would you like to be matched based upon your political alignment?",
"answer": "Not important",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Would you like to be matched based upon your religious alignment?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What religion do you associate most with?",
"answer": "Anglicanism",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Any thing else you want people to know?",
"answer": "a",
"specialField": "Aboutme"
"lastlogin": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"userQuestionlst.question": "Any pet peeves?"
"term": {
"userQuestionlst.answer": "yes tiger"
"took": 16,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 2,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 0,
"max_score": null,
"hits": []
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"question": {
"query": "Any pet peeves?",
"operator": "and"
"match": {
"answer": {
"query": "Nofgh"
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"question": {
"query": "Spoken Languages",
"operator": "and"
"match": {
"answer": {
"query": "hindi"
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"question": {
"query": "What kind of place do you have?",
"operator": "and"
"match": {
"answer": {
"query": "Attechment"
"minimum_should_match": 1
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"userQuestionlst.question": "Any pet peeves?"
"match": {
"userQuestionlst.answer": "yes tiger"
"took": 2,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 2,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 2,
"max_score": 2.5099993,
"hits": [
"_index": "roommate",
"_type": "usermaster",
"_id": "5597b5aa3163501e40cac8ca",
"_score": 2.5099993,
"_source": {
"iD": "5597b5aa3163501e40cac8ca",
"firstName": "Trilok",
"lastName": "chandra",
"hometown": "Akutan Alaska",
"dob": "2002-08-31T00:00:00",
"relationShip": "Single",
"gender": "Male",
"profilePicturePath": "",
"isRoom": false,
"isActive": false,
"userQuestionlst": [
"question": "How often do you clean up?",
"answer": "I am a tidy person",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Any pet peeves?",
"answer": "yes tiger",
"specialField": "PetPeeves"
"question": "Are you ok with opposite sex roommates?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you prefer to be similar age with your roommates?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Spoken Languages",
"answer": "Hindi,",
"specialField": "Languages"
"question": "Are you currently enrolled in college?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Where are you going to school?",
"answer": "Jacksonville University",
"specialField": ""
"question": "When do you graduate?",
"answer": "2021",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Where are taking most of your classes?",
"answer": "On Campus",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What Major?",
"answer": "Judaism & Jewish Studies",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you have any pets?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What kind of pets do you have?",
"answer": "Turtle",
"specialField": "Pets"
"question": "Are you OK with roommates who have pets?",
"answer": "Sure",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you drink alcohol?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How often do you drink?",
"answer": "Drinking now",
"specialField": "Drinkalcohol"
"question": "Are you OK with a roommate who drinks?",
"answer": "Sure",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you smoke cigarettes?",
"answer": "Inside and outside",
"specialField": "Smokes"
"question": "Are you ok with a roommate who smokes?",
"answer": "Inside and out is fine",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Would you like to be matched based upon your political alignment?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Which political party do you associate most with?",
"answer": "Green Party",
"specialField": "PoliticalParty"
"question": "Would you like to be matched based upon your religious alignment?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What religion do you associate most with?",
"answer": "Hinduism",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you play sports?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you play video games?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you play board or card games?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Have any favorite TV shows?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Have any favorite movies?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Are you a music fan?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you have any hobbies?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Where do you live?",
"answer": "Akutan Alaska",
"specialField": "Address",
"location": {
"lat": 54.143,
"lon": -165.7854
"question": "What kind of place do you have?",
"answer": "Apartment",
"specialField": "PreferPlace"
"question": "How much to rent at your place?",
"answer": "500",
"specialField": "Rent"
"question": "When is the space available?",
"answer": "4/2/2016",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How long do you need a roommate for?",
"answer": "A year or so",
"specialField": "HowlongLookingRent"
"question": "Does the renter share a bathroom?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Please share some details about the space for rent",
"answer": "kl",
"specialField": ""
"lastlogin": "2015-07-07T11:18:21.6556311+05:30"
"_index": "roommate",
"_type": "usermaster",
"_id": "559b676e31635021dc804115",
"_score": 0.50675774,
"_source": {
"iD": "559b676e31635021dc804115",
"firstName": "pratik",
"lastName": "jangid",
"hometown": "jodpur",
"dob": "2000-10-17T00:00:00",
"relationShip": "Married",
"gender": "Male",
"isRoom": false,
"isActive": false,
"userQuestionlst": [
"question": "Where do you live?",
"answer": "Anchorage Alaska",
"specialField": "Address",
"location": {
"lat": 61.2116,
"lon": -149.8761
"question": "What kind of place do you have?",
"answer": "Apartment",
"specialField": "PreferPlace"
"question": "How much to rent at your place?",
"answer": "344",
"specialField": "Rent"
"question": "When is the space available?",
"answer": "2/5/2021",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How long do you need a roommate for?",
"answer": "A year or so",
"specialField": "HowlongLookingRent"
"question": "Does the renter share a bathroom?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Please share some details about the space for rent",
"answer": "adsf",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How often do you clean up?",
"answer": "My clothes are organized by color",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Any pet peeves?",
"answer": "a",
"specialField": "PetPeeves"
"question": "Are you ok with opposite sex roommates?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you prefer to be similar age with your roommates?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Spoken Languages",
"answer": "English,Hindi,",
"specialField": "Languages"
"question": "Are you currently enrolled in college?",
"answer": "No",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you have any pets?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What kind of pets do you have?",
"answer": "Bird,Turtle",
"specialField": "Pets"
"question": "Are you OK with roommates who have pets?",
"answer": "Sure",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you drink alcohol?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "How often do you drink?",
"answer": "Weekends",
"specialField": "Drinkalcohol"
"question": "Are you OK with a roommate who drinks?",
"answer": "Sure",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Do you smoke cigarettes?",
"answer": "Outside only",
"specialField": "Smokes"
"question": "Are you ok with a roommate who smokes?",
"answer": "Inside and out is fine",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Would you like to be matched based upon your political alignment?",
"answer": "Not important",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Would you like to be matched based upon your religious alignment?",
"answer": "Yes",
"specialField": ""
"question": "What religion do you associate most with?",
"answer": "Anglicanism",
"specialField": ""
"question": "Any thing else you want people to know?",
"answer": "a",
"specialField": "Aboutme"
"lastlogin": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"userQuestionlst.question": "Any pet peeves?"
"term": {
"userQuestionlst.answer": "yes tiger"
"took": 16,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 2,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 0,
"max_score": null,
"hits": []
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"question": {
"query": "Any pet peeves?",
"operator": "and"
"match": {
"answer": {
"query": "Nofgh"
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"question": {
"query": "Spoken Languages",
"operator": "and"
"match": {
"answer": {
"query": "hindi"
"nested": {
"path": "userQuestionlst",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"question": {
"query": "What kind of place do you have?",
"operator": "and"
"match": {
"answer": {
"query": "Attechment"
"minimum_should_match": 1