
Form a rectangle from plane points



find if 4 points on a plane form a rectangle?



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其中 <> 表示点积,|| - 向量范数。

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其中 std 是假定矩形的顶点到质心的距离的标准差,mean 是平均距离。


有没有办法引入一个函数,当平面的四个点靠近矩形的顶点时接近1,在离矩形最远的位置时等于0(假设它们在 1 行)?

我真的不能说找到合适的成本函数来对“好”矩形进行评分。从评论来看,似乎有很多讨论,但没有达成共识。所以现在我将只使用一个评分函数来惩罚四点形状,因为它们的角度远离 90 度。具体来说,我对平方距离求和。如果您想要不同的评分指标,您可以替换 scoreFunc 函数中的计算。

我设置了一个交互式 window,您可以在其中单击以添加积分。当您按 'q' 时,它将获取这些点,找到 4 个点的所有可能组合(不是排列),然后 运行 每个点的评分函数并得出最好的。

我正在使用递归的强力搜索。为了避免出现大量重复,我想出了一个不管顺序如何都可以工作的散列函数。我使用质数来标识每个点,而哈希函数只是采用点的 ID 的乘积。这确保 (1,3,5,7) 与 (3,1,7,5) 相同。我使用素数是因为素数的乘积在这种情况下是唯一的(因为它们是素数,所以不能分解和聚集)。

搜索后,我必须确保这些点的排列方式不会使直线相交。我正在利用 OpenCV 的 contourArea 为我进行计算。我可以将第一个点与它的水平和垂直邻居交换,并将这些区域与原始区域进行比较。相交线的“领结”形状比非相交形状的面积要小(我很确定它们实际上面积为零,因为它们不算作闭合形状)。

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math

# get mouse click
click_pos = None;
click = False;
def mouseClick(event, x, y, flags, param):
    # hook to globals
    global click_pos;
    global click;

    # check for left mouseclick 
    if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
        click = True;
        click_pos = (x,y);

# prime hash function
def phash(points):
    total = 1;
    for point in points:
        total *= point[0];
    return total;

# checks if an id is already present in list
def isInList(point, curr_list):
    pid = point[0];
    for item in curr_list:
        if item[0] == pid:
            return True;
    return False;

# look for rectangles
def getAllRects(points, curr_list, rects, curr_point):
    # check if already in curr_list
    if isInList(curr_point, curr_list):
        return curr_list;

    # add self to list

    # check end condition
    if len(curr_list) == 4:
        # add to dictionary (no worry for duplicates)
        rects[phash(curr_list)] = curr_list[:];
        curr_list = curr_list[:-1];
        return curr_list;

    # continue search
    for point in points:
        curr_list = getAllRects(points, curr_list, rects, point);
    curr_list = curr_list[:-1];
    return curr_list;

# checks if a number is prime
def isPrime(num):
    bound = int(math.sqrt(num));
    curr = 3;
    while curr <= bound:
        if num % curr == 0:
            return False;
        # skip evens
        curr += 2;
    return True;

# generate prime number id's for each point
def genPrimes(num):
    primes = [];
    curr = 1;
    while len(primes) < num:
        if isPrime(curr):

        # +2 to skip evens
        curr += 2;
    return primes;

# swap sides (fix intersecting lines issue)
def swapH(box):
    new_box = np.copy(box);
    new_box[0] = box[1];
    new_box[1] = box[0];
    return new_box;
def swapV(box):
    new_box = np.copy(box);
    new_box[0] = box[3];
    new_box[3] = box[0];
    return new_box;

# removes intersections
def noNoodles(box):
    # get three variants
    hbox = swapH(box);
    vbox = swapV(box);

    # get areas and choose max
    sortable = [];
    sortable.append([cv2.contourArea(box), box]);
    sortable.append([cv2.contourArea(hbox), hbox]);
    sortable.append([cv2.contourArea(vbox), vbox]);
    sortable.sort(key = lambda a : a[0]);
    return sortable[-1][1];

# 2d distance
def dist2D(one, two):
    dx = one[0] - two[0];
    dy = one[1] - two[1];
    return math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

# angle between three points (the last point is the middle)
# law of cosines
def angle3P(p1, p2, p3):
    # get distances
    a = dist2D(p3, p1);
    b = dist2D(p3, p2);
    c = dist2D(p1, p2);

    # calculate angle // assume a and b are nonzero
    numer = c**2 - a**2 - b**2;
    denom = -2 * a * b;
    if denom == 0:
        denom = 0.000001;
    rads = math.acos(numer / denom);
    degs = math.degrees(rads);
    return degs;

# calculates a score
def scoreFunc(box):
    # for each point, calculate angle
    angles = [];
    for a in range(len(box)):
        prev = box[a-2][0];
        curr = box[a-1][0];
        next = box[a][0];
        angles.append(angle3P(prev, next, curr));

    # for each angle, score on squared distance from 90
    score = 0;
    for angle in angles:
        score += (angle - 90)**2;
    return score;

# evaluates each box (assigns a score)
def evaluate(boxes):
    sortable = [];
    for box in boxes:
        sortable.append([scoreFunc(box), box]);
    sortable.sort(key = lambda a : a[0]);
    return sortable;

# set up callback
cv2.setMouseCallback("Display", mouseClick);

# set up screen
res = (600,600,3);
bg = np.zeros(res, np.uint8);

# loop
done = False;
points = [];
while not done:
    # reset display
    display = np.copy(bg);

    # check for new click
    if click:
        click = False;

    # draw points
    for point in points:
        cv2.circle(display, point, 4, (0,200,0), -1);

    # show
    cv2.imshow("Display", display);
    key = cv2.waitKey(1);

    # check keypresses
    done = key == ord('q');

# generate prime number id's for each point
# if you have a lot of points, it would be worth it
# to just have a .txt file with a bunch of pre-gen primes in it
primes = genPrimes(len(points));
withPrimes = [];
for a in range(len(points)):
    withPrimes.append([primes[a], points[a]]);

# run brute-force search over all points
rects = {};
for a in range(len(withPrimes)):
    getAllRects(withPrimes, [], rects, withPrimes[a]);

# extract just the points (don't need the prime id's anymore)
boxes = [];
for key in rects:
    box = [];
    for item in rects[key]:

# go through all of the boxes and un-intersect their sides
for a in range(len(boxes)):
    boxes[a] = noNoodles(boxes[a]);

# draw each one to check for noodles
# for box in boxes:
#   blank = np.zeros_like(bg, np.uint8);
#   cv2.drawContours(blank, [box], -1, (255,255,255), -1);
#   cv2.imshow("Box", blank);
#   cv2.waitKey(0);

# noodles have been squared get best box
sortedBoxes = evaluate(boxes);
bestBox = sortedBoxes[0][1];

# draw
blank = np.zeros_like(bg, np.uint8);
cv2.drawContours(blank, [bestBox], -1, (255,255,255), -1);
for point in points:
    cv2.circle(blank, point, 4, (0,200,0), -1);
cv2.imshow("Best", blank);