如何更新在 moduleServer 中为在 moduleUI 中创建的 tabsetPanel 添加新的 tabPanel

How to update add a new tabPanel in moduleServer for a tabsetPanel created in moduleUI

我尝试在模块服务器中为在 moduleUI 中创建的 tabsetPanel 添加一个新的 tabPanel,但它不起作用。服务器非常清楚显示了哪个选项卡,但仍然无法向其添加新选项卡。我该如何解决这个问题?

在主 ui 和主服务器中,我创建了一个 tabsetPanel 和一个为其添加新标签的按钮,并且效果很好。但是当我尝试在一个模块中做同样的事情时,它不再起作用了。

## create a tabset Panel in module environment
tabModuleUI <- function(id, title){
  ns = NS(id)
    tabPanel(title = title, value = id,
             shinydashboard::box(width = NULL,
                                 tabsetPanel(id = ns("Product_module"),
                                        tabPanel(title = "Product 0", value = "Product 0"),
                                        tabPanel(title = "Product 1", value = "Product 1")),
                                 ## button to add new tab
                                 actionButton(inputId = ns("button"), label = "Click")))
tabModuleServer <- function(input, output, session, idModule){
 ns <- session$ns
 id_num = reactiveVal(1)
 parentSession <- get("session", envir = parent.frame(1))
   id_chr = paste("Product_module", id_num())
   # server know which tab is shown
   # but cannot add a newtab in it
   appendTab(inputId = "Product_module", tab = tabPanel(title = id_chr, value = id_chr, 
             session = session)
   # even when i add a ns to inputId
   appendTab(inputId = ns("Product_module"), tab = tabPanel(title = id_chr, value = id_chr,
                                                     shinydashboard::box()), session = session)
   # but it can add a newtab in global environment
   appendTab(inputId = "Product", tab = tabPanel(title = id_chr, value = id_chr,
                                                            shinydashboard::box()), session = parentSession)
   id_num = id_num(id_num()+1)

## create a tabsetPanel in global environment

ui <- fluidPage(title="",
                               id = "Product",
                               tabPanel(title = "Product 0", value = "Product 0"))),
                ## button to add new tab
                actionButton(inputId = "button", label = "Click"))

server <- function(input, output, session){
  id_num = reactiveVal(1)
    id_chr = paste("Product", id_num())
    # server know which tab is choosen
    # add add a newtab to it
    appendTab(inputId = "Product", tab = tabModuleUI(id = id_chr, title = id_chr), select = T)
    callModule(tabModuleServer, id = id_chr, idModule = id_chr)
    id_num = id_num(id_num()+1)



### create a tabset Panel in module environment
tabModuleUI <- function(id, title){
  ns = NS(id)
    tabPanel(title = title, value = id,
             shinydashboard::box(width = NULL,
                                 tabsetPanel(id = ns("Product_module"),
                                             tabPanel(title = "Product_module 0", value = "Product_module 0") #,
                                             #tabPanel(title = "Product 1", value = "Product 1")
                                 ## button to add new tab
                                 actionButton(inputId = ns("button"), label = "Click Module")))
tabModuleServer <- function(input, output, session, idModule){
  ns <- session$ns
  id_num = reactiveVal(1)
  parentSession <- get("session", envir = parent.frame(1))
  observeEvent(input$button, {
    id_chr = paste0("Product_module", id_num())
    # server know which tab is shown
    ### but cannot add a newtab in it
    appendTab(inputId = ns("Product_module"), tab = tabPanel(title = id_chr, value = id_chr,
                                                         shinydashboard::box()), session = parentSession)
    # ### even when i add a ns to inputId
    # appendTab(inputId = ns("Product_module"), tab = tabPanel(title = id_chr, value = id_chr,
    #                                                          shinydashboard::box()), session = session)
    ### but it can add a newtab in global environment
    # appendTab(inputId = "Product", tab = tabPanel(title = id_chr, value = id_chr,
    #                                               shinydashboard::box()), session = parentSession)
    id_num = id_num(id_num()+1)

## create a tabsetPanel in global environment

ui <- fluidPage(title="",
                  id = "Product",
                  tabPanel(title = "Product 0", value = "Product 0"))),
                ## button to add new tab
                actionButton(inputId = "button", label = "Click Main")

server <- function(input, output, session){
  id_numm = reactiveVal(1)
    id_chr = paste0("Product", id_numm())
    # server know which tab is choosen
    # add add a newtab to it
    appendTab(inputId = "Product", tab = tabModuleUI(id = id_chr, title = id_chr), select = T)
    callModule(tabModuleServer, id = id_chr, idModule = id_chr)
    id_numm = id_numm(id_numm()+1)
  }, ignoreInit = TRUE)

