如何遍历一个文件夹并将所有文件的名称添加到 Libreoffice 中一列的单元格中?使用 .csv 和 Anki

How to loop through a folder and add the names of all the files into cells in a column in Libreoffice? Using .csv and Anki

我有几个文件夹,每个文件夹包含几千个 .mp3 文件,里面有母语人士说的例句。我想按顺序遍历文件夹并将所有文件名添加到 LibreOffice 电子表格的第一列,因此在该列的每个单元格中它看起来像 [sound:name_of_file.mp3]。文件名是按顺序排列的,但它们是按节和章分开的,所以如果有办法获取文件名并使用它会更容易,而不是想出一个改变的函数基于 for 循环或类似内容的文本。

我想创建一个包含所有 [sound:name_of_file.mp3] 文本的 .csv 文件,我将把它作为一个卡片组上传到 Anki,然后从每个卡片中复制所有的 .mp3 文件将原始文件夹放入 Anki 的媒体文件夹中,以便卡片引用音频并播放它。




Sub createFileList
Dim oFolderDialog As Object, oUcb As Object 
Dim sStartFolder As String 
Dim aList As Variant, aRes As Variant 
Dim nRow As Long, i As Long 
Dim sFullName As String, sFile As String
    sStartFolder = ""
    oFolderDialog = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FolderPicker")
    oUcb = createUnoService("com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess")
    If oUcb.Exists(GetPathSettings("Work")) Then _
    If oFolderDialog.Execute() = 1 Then
        sStartFolder = oFolderDialog.GetDirectory()
        If oUcb.Exists(sStartFolder) Then sStartFolder = ConvertFromUrl(sStartFolder)
    End If
    If sStartFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
    aList = ReadDirectories(sStartFolder, False, False, False, , "mp3")
    nRow = UBound(aList)
    If nRow < 0 Then Exit Sub
    ReDim aRes(nRow)
    For i = LBound(aList) To UBound(aList)
        sFullName = ConvertFromURL(aList(i,0))
        sFile = FileNameOutOfPath(sFullName, GetPathSeparator())
        aRes(i) = "[sound:" & sFile & "]"
    Next i
    sFile = sStartFolder & GetPathSeparator() & "filelist.csv"
    sFile = InputBox("Specify the path and name for the output file:","Found " & (nRow + 1) & " files.", sFile)
    If sFile = "" Then Exit Sub
End Sub