为什么我不能使用某些特定参数来求解这些方程式? (同情)

Why I can't solve these equations using some specific parameters? (Sympy)

这是我尝试使用 sympy:

# Import sympy
from math import remainder, tau
from sympy import *
from sympy.solvers import solve

# Define the parameters
nx, ny, nz = [0,0,1]
a,b,c = [0,0,0]
d = 1
t = 9

# Solve the equations
theta = remainder(2*t*sqrt(b**2+c**2+d**2), tau)
delta, beta, gamma = symbols('delta beta gamma')
beta = 7 # Randomly assigned. 
eq1 = Eq(tan((delta+beta)/2),nz*tan(theta/2))
eq2 = Eq(ny*tan((delta-beta)/2),nx)
eq3 = Eq(cos((delta+beta)/2)*cos(gamma/2),cos(theta/2))
result = solve([eq1, eq2, eq3], [delta, beta, gamma])

我的问题是基于最后一个参数t。对于当前值,该函数应该是可解的,但它没有 return 任何结果。如果我将 t 的值更改为其他一些值,那么我可以得到结果。例如,如果 t=99,那么结果看起来像

[(-12.0619298297468, 9.00000000000000, 7.46580816699663e-8*I), 
(-12.0619298297468, 9.00000000000000, 12.5663706143592 - 7.46580045560101e-8*I)]


 In [59]: 
    ...: delta, gamma = symbols('delta gamma')
    ...: theta = symbols('theta')
    ...: beta = 9
    ...: eq1 = Eq(tan((delta+beta)/2),nz*tan(theta/2))
    ...: #eq2 = Eq(ny*tan((delta-beta)/2),nx)
    ...: eq3 = Eq(cos((delta+beta)/2)*cos(gamma/2),cos(theta/2))
In [60]: eq1
   ⎛δ   9⎞      ⎛θ⎞
tan⎜─ + ─⎟ = tan⎜─⎟
   ⎝2   2⎠      ⎝2⎠
In [61]: eq3
   ⎛γ⎞    ⎛δ   9⎞      ⎛θ⎞
cos⎜─⎟⋅cos⎜─ + ─⎟ = cos⎜─⎟
   ⎝2⎠    ⎝2   2⎠      ⎝2⎠
In [62]: result = solve([eq1, eq3], [delta, gamma])
In [63]: result
⎡⎛                            ⎛       ____________       ⎞      ⎞  ⎛                          ⎛       
⎢⎜      ⎛   ⎛θ⎞⎞              ⎜      ╱     1          ⎛θ⎞⎟      ⎟  ⎜      ⎛   ⎛θ⎞⎞            ⎜      ╱
⎢⎜2⋅atan⎜tan⎜─⎟⎟ - 9, - 2⋅acos⎜√2⋅  ╱  ────────── ⋅cos⎜─⎟⎟ + 4⋅π⎟, ⎜2⋅atan⎜tan⎜─⎟⎟ - 9, 2⋅acos⎜√2⋅  ╱ 
⎣⎝      ⎝   ⎝2⎠⎠              ⎝   ╲╱   cos(θ) + 1     ⎝2⎠⎠      ⎠  ⎝      ⎝   ⎝2⎠⎠            ⎝   ╲╱  

____________       ⎞⎞⎤
     1          ⎛θ⎞⎟⎟⎥
 ────────── ⋅cos⎜─⎟⎟⎟⎥
 cos(θ) + 1     ⎝2⎠⎠⎠⎦

现在评估一些具有特定 theta 值的 result 项。

In [64]: result[0][0].subs({theta:-0.849})
Out[64]: -9.84900000000000
In [65]: result[0][1].subs({theta:-0.849})
Out[65]: -2⋅acos(0.707106781186547⋅√2) + 4⋅π

我没有看到任何关于为什么 result 对于 t 的某些值会为空(无解)的线索,因此 theta。但是使用这个代数解应该更容易探索这些问题。

In [66]: t=9
In [67]: remainder(2*t*sqrt(b**2+c**2+d**2), tau)
Out[67]: -0.8495559215387587

acos 项可能是问题所在:


这大约是 acos(1),但是 nan 如果 acos arg 完全大于 1。


In [299]: def foo(theta):
     ...:     return np.sqrt(2)*np.sqrt(1/(np.cos(theta)+1))*np.cos(theta/2)
In [300]: foo(0)
Out[300]: 1.0000000000000002
In [301]: foo(-1)
Out[301]: 1.0000000000000002
In [302]: foo(-.89)
Out[302]: 1.0000000000000002
In [303]: foo(-3.0)
Out[303]: 0.999999999999998

所以 acos 参数在代数上是 1,但数值上可能会大一点,导致 nan.