我如何将 CRTP 中的模板派生 class 与派生的 class 表达式模板结合起来?

How can I combine templated derived class in CRTP with derived class expression templates?

我的目标是实现一个向量 class Vec,它允许像 auto vecRes = vecA + vecB * vecC 这样的算术表达式的高效计算。这是一个已知问题,可以在维基百科上找到使用 Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) 的解决方案。

我首先采用硬编码向量元素类型 double 的实现,包括用于添加的派生 class,

template <typename Exn>
class VecExn
    double operator[] ( int32_t idx ) const { return static_cast<Exn const&>( *this )[idx]; }
    int32_t size() const { return static_cast<Exn const&>( *this ).size(); }

class Vec: public VecExn<Vec>
    Vec() {}
    Vec( std::initializer_list<double> iniLis ) : eles_( iniLis ) {  }
    template < typename Exn1 >
    Vec( VecExn<Exn1> const& exn ) : eles_( exn.size() )
        for( int32_t idx = 0; idx < exn.size(); ++idx )
            eles_[idx] = exn[idx];
    template < typename Exn1 >
    Vec& operator=( VecExn<Exn1> const& exn )
        for( int32_t idx = 0; idx < exn.size(); ++idx )
            eles_[idx] = exn[idx];
        return *this;

    double operator[] ( int32_t idx ) const { return eles_[idx]; }
    double& operator[] ( int32_t idx ) { return eles_[idx]; }
    int32_t size() const { return eles_.size(); };
    std::vector<double> eles_;

template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class VecSum: public VecExn<VecSum<Lhs, Rhs> >
    VecSum( Lhs const& lhs, Rhs const& rhs ) : lhs_( lhs ), rhs_( rhs ) {}
    double operator[] ( int32_t idx ) const { return lhs_[idx] + rhs_[idx]; }
    int32_t size() const { return lhs_.size(); };
    Lhs const& lhs_;
    Rhs const& rhs_;


但是,在我用模板替换 double 的方法中,基础 class 获得了模板模板参数,而普通 Vec 当然变成了模板化。

template < typename Typ, template<typename> typename Exn >
class VecExn
    Typ operator[] ( int32_t idx ) const { return static_cast<Exn<Typ> const&>( *this )[idx];}
    int32_t size() const { return static_cast<Exn<Typ> const&>( *this ).size(); }

template <typename Typ>
class Vec: public VecExn<Typ, Vec >
    Vec() {}
    Vec( std::initializer_list<Typ> iniLis ) : eles_( iniLis ) {  }
    template < typename Exn1 >
    Vec( VecExn<Exn1> const& exn ) :eles_(exn.size() )
        for( int32_t idx = 0; idx < exn.size(); ++idx )
            eles_[idx] = exn[idx];
    template < typename Exn1 >
    Vec& operator=( VecExn<Exn1> const& exn )
        for( int32_t idx = 0; idx < exn.size(); ++idx )
            eles_[idx] = exn[idx];
        return *this;

    Typ operator[] ( int32_t idx ) const { return eles_[idx]; }
    Typ& operator[] ( int32_t idx ) { return eles_[idx]; }
    int32_t size() const { return eles_.size(); };
    std::vector<Typ> eles_;

问题出现在 VecSum class 定义中,该定义在硬编码 double 案例中已经是模板 class,现在不被识别为VecExn.

template <typename Typ, template <typename> typename Lhs, template <typename> typename Rhs>
class VecSum: public VecExn<Typ, VecSum<Typ, Lhs, Rhs> >  // ERROR: does not match the template parameter list for template parameter 'Exn'
    VecSum( Lhs<Typ> const& lhs, Rhs<Typ> const& rhs ) : lhs_( lhs ), rhs_( rhs ) {}
    Typ operator[] ( int32_t idx ) const { return lhs_[idx] + rhs_[idx]; }
    int32_t size() const { return lhs_.size(); };
    Lhs<Typ> const& lhs_;
    Rhs<Typ> const& rhs_;


正如@super 和@Jarod42 指出的那样,解决方案非常简单:

不要在基础 class 或运算符的表达式模板中使用模板模板参数,而是替换 return 类型的 double operator[] 来自 auto.

template <typename Exn>
class VecExn
    auto operator[] ( int32_t idx ) const { return static_cast<Exn const&>( *this )[idx]; }
    int32_t size() const { return static_cast<Exn const&>( *this ).size(); }

template <typename Typ>
class Vec: public VecExn<Vec<Typ>>
    Vec() {}
    Vec( std::initializer_list<Typ> iniLis ) : eles_( iniLis ) {  }
    template < typename Exn1 >
    Vec( VecExn<Exn1> const& exn ) : eles_( exn.size() )
        for( int32_t idx = 0; idx < exn.size(); ++idx )
            eles_[idx] = exn[idx];
    template < typename Exn1 >
    Vec& operator=( VecExn<Exn1> const& exn )
        for( int32_t idx = 0; idx < exn.size(); ++idx )
            eles_[idx] = exn[idx];
        return *this;

    Typ operator[] ( int32_t idx ) const { return eles_[idx]; }
    Typ& operator[] ( int32_t idx ) { return eles_[idx]; }
    int32_t size() const { return eles_.size(); };
    std::vector<Typ> eles_;

template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class VecSum: public VecExn<VecSum<Lhs, Rhs> >
    VecSum( Lhs const& lhs, Rhs const& rhs ) : lhs_( lhs ), rhs_( rhs ) {}
    auto operator[] ( int32_t idx ) const { return lhs_[idx] + rhs_[idx]; }
    int32_t size() const { return lhs_.size(); };
    Lhs const& lhs_;
    Rhs const& rhs_;