如何将 Fortran 的复杂类型传递给 C#?

How do you pass Fortran's complex type to C#?

假设我有以下 Fortran 代码

subroutine COMPLEX_PASSING(r, i, c)

    REAL*8 :: r, i
    COMPLEX*8 :: c

   c = cmplx((r * 2), (i * 2))


Fortran 代码是用

gfortran -c complex_passing.f90
gfortran -fPIC -shared -o complex_passing.dll complex_passing.o

如何在 C# 中调用此子例程?我试过以下代码:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace FortranCalling {
    class Program {
        static void main(string[] args) {
            double real = 4;
            double imaginary = 10;
            COMPLEX c = new COMPLEX();

            complex_passing( ref real, ref imaginary, ref c);
            Console.WriteLine("Real: {0}\nImaginary: {1}", c.real, c.imaginary);

        struct COMPLEX {
            public double real;
            public double imaginary;

        [DllImport("complex_passing.dll", EntryPoint = "complex_passing_", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        static extern void complex_passing(ref double r, ref double i, ref COMPLEX c);

收效甚微 - 我的 COMPLEX 结构似乎返回了垃圾数据:

Real: 134217760.5
Imaginary: 0

当我期望实部为 8,虚部为 20 时。

gfortran 将非标准 COMPLEX*8 视为大小为 8 字节的复数,实部和虚部各占 4 字节。相反,您需要一个 16 字节的复数,实部和虚部各有 8 个字节 (COMPLEX*16),或者您应该相应地更改 C# 端。

在 gfortran 下可以看到这样的效果:

complex*8 :: c8 = (8d0, 20d0)
complex*16 :: c16 = 0

c16%re = TRANSFER(c8,c16)

print*, c8, c16 


当然,您根本不应该使用 complex*。可以使用 complex(kind=..).



subroutine s(r, i, c)
  real(kind(0d0)) :: r, i
  complex(kind(0e0)) :: c
  c = cmplx((r*2),(i*2))
end subroutine s

interface ! Interface block required to lie to some versions of gfortran 
subroutine s(r, i, c)
  real(kind(0d0)) :: r, i
  complex(kind(0d0)) :: c
end subroutine s
end interface

complex(kind(0d0)) c
call s(4d0, 10d0, c)
print*, c%re


并将其与 Fortran 源代码进行比较:

subroutine s(r, i, c)
  real(kind(0d0)) :: r, i
  complex(kind(0d0)) :: c
  c = cmplx((r*2),(i*2))
end subroutine s

complex(kind(0d0)) c
call s(4d0, 10d0, c)
print*, c%re


此外,除了使用 kind(0d0) 等,还有 iso_fortran_env 的各种 C 互操作性常量和存储大小常量。