将 DICOM 标签转换成更易读的东西

Convert DICOM tag into something more readable

我正在与 pydicom and a DICOMWeb client 合作。后者我用来从 DICOM 存储库中获取元数据。

检索 DICOM 元数据时,我只得到 DICOM 标签作为十六进制元组。我想知道如何使用 pydicom 查找标签并获得可读标识符。

例如,如何将标签0x10,0x20转换成它的字符串representation/keyword("PatientID")? (参见 DICOM data dictionary 的规格)

pydicom 提供 some utility functions to handle the DICOM data dictionary:

import pydicom as dicom 

tag = dicom.tag.Tag(0x10,0x20)

# Option 1) Retrieve the keyword:
keyword = dicom.datadict.keyword_for_tag(tag)
# Option 2) Retrieve the complete datadict entry:
entry = dicom.datadict.get_entry(tag)
representation, multiplicity, name, is_retired, keyword = entry

# keyword: "PatientID"
# name: "Patient ID"