express.js 的路由器对象如何解析为仅接受回调的 app.use()?

how router object of express.js is parsed to app.use() which accept callbacks only?

如何将 express.js 的路由器对象解析为 app.use() 仅接受回调,因为路由器是 express 的对象,我想了解为什么 app.use() 不是即使路由器是一个对象并且 app.use() 需要回调也会抛出错误?

来自app.use documentation


Callback functions; can be:

  • A middleware function.
  • A series of middleware functions (separated by commas).
  • An array of middleware functions.

A combination of all of the above.


Since router and app implement the middleware interface, you can use them as you would any other middleware function.


这就是答案。 approuter都是函数,调用时遵循中间件协议。 (请记住,JavaScript 中的函数是对象,因此它们可以具有属性和方法。)