有没有办法从 OneLogin 的“个人资料”范围获取“图片”?

Is there any way to get `picture` from OneLogin's `profile` scope?

profile 范围的 OneLogin OpenID Connect Scopes Documentation 显示有一个 picture 可用,但带有此免责声明:

Note, these claims are returned if OneLogin has the information available.

在测试中,我从未 picture 与具有个人资料照片集的用户进行测试时返回。我得到的只有这些属性:

  "id_token": "",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "scope": "openid profile",
  "profile": {
    "sub": "",
    "email": "",
    "preferred_username": "",
    "name": "",
    "updated_at": 1614904145,
    "given_name": "",
    "family_name": "",
    "sid": ""
  "expires_at": 1615761073

如能提供有关如何从 OneLogin 获取附加字段的任何提示,我们将不胜感激。谢谢!

我联系了 OneLogin 的开发支持,并在几个小时内得到了回复。我已经验证这有效,这里是:

You should add a parameter to your OIDC app and map it to the field "Profile Picture" and then include the params scope in your ODIC call. (fro more details on scopes see https://developers.onelogin.com/openid-connect/scopes)

Note - what you get back is the URL of an image and it is not a binary blob of the actual photo.