Spacy 3.0.1 精度预测

Spacy 3.0.1 Accuracy prediction

如何在 3.0.1 版本中测试 spacy 预训练模型的准确性。我想看看我的输出我的测试模型有多准确 predicted.This 下面的 spacy 版本 2 的代码,但它在 spacy 版本中不起作用 3.can 请告诉我 spacy 版本 3 的代码。

 from import GoldParse
 from spacy.scorer import Scorer

def evaluate(nlp, examples, ent='PERSON'):
scorer = Scorer()
for input_, annot in examples:
    text_entities = []
    for entity in annot.get('entities'):
        if ent in entity:
    doc_gold_text = nlp.make_doc(input_)
    gold = GoldParse(doc_gold_text, entities=text_entities)
    pred_value = nlp(input_)
    scorer.score(pred_value, gold)
return scorer.scores

examples = [
("Trump says he's answered Mueller's Russia inquiry questions \u2013 live",{"entities":[[0,5,"PERSON"],[25,32,"PERSON"],[35,41,"GPE"]]}),
("Alexander Zverev reaches ATP Finals semis then reminds Lendl who is boss",{"entities":[[0,16,"PERSON"],[55,60,"PERSON"]]}),
("Britain's worst landlord to take nine years to pay off string of fines",{"entities":[[0,7,"GPE"]]}),
("Tom Watson: people's vote more likely given weakness of May's position",{"entities":[[0,10,"PERSON"],[56,59,"PERSON"]]}),

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
results = evaluate(nlp, examples)

这个方法我个人用过,希望对你的工作有所帮助: 对于你的情况,我认为:

from import Example

#get test data

test_data = [
    ("Trump says he's answered Mueller's Russia inquiry questions \u2013 
    ("Alexander Zverev reaches ATP Finals semis then reminds Lendl who is 
    ("Britain's worst landlord to take nine years to pay off string of fines", 
    ("Tom Watson: people's vote more likely given weakness of May's position", 

#formatted test data in order to adapt with the new version 3 of Spacy

#get nlp object
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

new_test_data = []
for text, annots in test_data:
    new_test_data.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annots))

#end formatted test data

#begin evaluation
#using , the evaluate() methos

scores_model = nlp.evaluate(new_test_data)

#print scores that you want
#precision_model = scores_model["ents_p"]
#recall_model = scores_model["ents_r"]
#f_score_model = scores_model["ents_f"]
#scores_entities = scores_model["ents_per_type"]